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"I loved your father once, you know. We were only in high school, but we were famously infatuated." The woman sighed.

She shifted the gun as she stretched.

"Your mother was my replacement, the moment I slipped up. It was then when I realized how unforgiving men are. You're lucky you're a girl, or you'd be dead too. I'm going to enjoy teaching you what scum your father is."  Her voice was thick with many emotions.
"Oh..but you can't understand a word I'm saying, can you?" Her voice was sugary sweet as she tapped the gauze plugging up the teen's ears.

The young girl flinched away from her touch, instinctually knowing the woman was mocking her newly-achieved deafness. There was a loud pounding at the door.

"Anna, let me in! I know you have Rebekah! Return my daughter to me!" A mans voice shouted from outside the thick wooden door.

The girl, Rebekah's, head turned towards the door, having felt his voice reverberate throughout the room.

"Dad?" Rebekah's voice was loud but garbled.

She couldn't have known how loudly she spoke, but the words were certain, she was calling for help. But the vibrations from her throat went to her ears, causing her to let out a heart-stopping, ear-splitting wail. And she wailed again because of her own cry. The more she shrieked, the more pain she possessed until finally the woman, Anna, slapped a hand over her mouth.

"For gods sake, shut up and the pain will subside!" She ordered irritably, annoyed by the girls blatant stupidity.

Rebekah hadn't heard a word she said, but her mouth being covered conveyed the message. Her father continued to pound on the door.

"Stop that, Nathaniel. I'll be with you in a moment!" Anna hissed.

The knocking faltered, then stopped.

"Thank you." Anna sighed.

She lightly brushed Rebekah's cheek with the back of her hand, Anna's face remaining decidedly neutral as Rebekah squirmed away from her attacker.

"You know, if your father had remained beside me, you would've been mine." Anna lightly murmured to the girl.
"Anna please." Nathaniel's voice was impatiently desperate.
"Fine, fine." Anna replied angrily, pulling away from her daydream reluctantly.

She crammed her gun into her holster. Anna then unlocked the large wooden door and heaved it open. Nathaniel's sweat-ridden face lit up in disbelief as his eyes met Anna's.

"Where is my daughter?" Were the first words to spill rudely from his mouth.
"On the chair." Anna spat, closing and (unbeknownst to Nathaniel) locking the door behind them.
"Oh Beck," the girls father cried as he scooped up his only daughter.

Rebekah wrapped her arms around her father as she sobbed heavily. Anna crept towards the corner and quietly hefted up a large bat as she snuck behind the sniveling pair. She heaved the bat off her shoulder, thrusting into the unsuspecting man's lower back. Rebekah shot out of his arms, sprawling onto the floor several feet away while her father slammed onto the thick concrete with an audible 'CRACK' and scream of agony. While the young girl tried to gather herself and shake off her disorientation, Anna  grasped the handgun from its holster. She dropped down to Nathaniel's level while still remaining cautious. Anna cocked the weapon against the mans skull and straddled his quickly bruising back. He let out a low groan of pain, his vision was spotty and he felt indescribable agony. Anna leant down to his ear, pushing her gun directly to his temple.

"You know, even after you left me Nathaniel, I still wanted you. Craved you. But I'm sure you were happier. I'll send your wife my regards." She spewed, grinning feverishly.

She fired off the handgun and Rebekah's screech was the last thing he heard.
Only minutes later, the police rammed the door down.


What up, bitches! Okay, so this is the first chapter of my oc x Sherlock fanfic. I'll try to update every Friday, but I do have school! So if I don't update right, away, know that I'll try to do that ASAP. Bye 4 now! -shutupanddancedance

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