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"Alright, so we've gotten you fitted for a hearing aid, but it's still important for you learn sign language just in case something malfunctions." Hazel signed.*

Rebekah looked alarmed.

"It won't, it's just a precaution." Hazel signed quickly.

She sighed, relieved.

"Okay. Have you called my mother?" Rebekah signed languidly.
"I'm sorry dear, she got called in for over time. She'll make back as soon she can." Hazel signed sadly.

Rebekah's easy expression crumpled.

"And my apologies, but I have to go home and feed my dog. Mind spending a few hours in the morgue with Molly? I'll have them send the hearing aid down once it's finished." Hazel signed sheepishly.
"That's fine I suppose." Rebekah signed back.


Molly turned out to be pretty nice. She knew some sign language and did her best to communicate with Rebekah while she worked. Around three hours in, an intern entered with a small black box and Rebekah's tired mother. The intern came over beside Rebekah and helped attach the hearing aids. Once they were snugly on, he explained the maintenance to Rebekah and her mother. How Rebekah would have to keep them in at all times, turning them on in the morning by turning a small knob, then turning them off at night by turning same knob the other way. How they'd check the batteries yearly at a specialist. Shortly after, the duo departed homeward.
Once home, Rebekah's mother went straight to bed, exhausted. Rebekah got dressed in pajamas, preparing to nap as well. She brushed out her pale blonde hair and there was a knock at the door. She opened it and came face to scarf, once more, with Sherlock.

"Rebekah?" His voice gave away his surprise. "What are you...?"
"Well, I do reside here, dear Mr. Holmes." Rebekah said, softly, monotonously.

She felt a bit of surprise, hearing her own voice after what felt like ages of silence. Sherlock seemed a bit shocked as well. He coughed awkwardly.

"Good to see you got your hearing aids. Is your mother hone?" Sherlock asked gruffly.
"Yes, but she's resting currently. Is there something I can assist with?" Rebekah gently inquired of the detective.
"Well, it actually has to do with you, so I suppose. I was going to ask your mother if it was safe for you to accompany us to Ireland to track Anna." Sherlock explained. "Since you have your hearing back, I suppose you can speak for yourself." He finished.
"I would be pleased to accompany you. When is the excursion?" Rebekah returned easily.

She was well spoken, if a bit verbose and monotonous, Sherlock noticed.

"We are leaving tomorrow at seven am precisely. Shall we pick you up?" He asked the blonde.
"Certainly. Also, who is 'we', Mr. Holmes?" Rebekah answered plainly, her voice making everything a statement rather than a question.
"Wonderful. 'We' would include Dr John Hamish Watson and myself. Additionally, Mr. Holmes is my brother or father. Please call me Sherlock. Good day, Miss Reid." Sherlock stated, and promptly departed.


* In case you were confused, Hazel's name isn't pronounced like the female name ( Hay - zelle). It's pronounced Hah - zelle. Okay, toodles! ~shutupanddancedance

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