Chapter 2: Is This Fate? Or Am I Just Crazy?

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"Amanda, Ariel, Asher, Annie, Allen..."

"So like these the names of potential people on your hitlist or just the names of all the people who've already rejected a loser like you."

"Oh haha very funny, Kevin" I said sarcastically.

Kevin was my older brother. Just by a few months, but just like all the other cliche stories out there, he was the cooler, tougher, and more popular sibling who treated me like I wasn't even worth mentioning. However unlike cliche stories, I was definitely not the nerdy, braniac who made up for the lack of good looks and popularity with smarts and guaranteed-to-get-you-into-an-IV-league-college grades. Better than Kevin's grades, yes, but not enough to get anyone's parents to want to brag about it.

"Kevin stop messing with Maison. You're both going to be late for school, " Mom nagged.

Oh I haven't introduced myself yet? The name's Maison. Maison Beauregard. I have dark brown hair that's simple and short, a bit longer in the front and shorter in the back, and parted towards the right. Kevin's hairstyle is basically the same, but his sides are shaved and the rest spiked upwards, creating what he calls his "majestic" fauxhawk. All my family members have green eyes, though I would say mine are a bit more hazel than green. I'm 16 and in my Junior year of high school, not that any of that really matters to me though. I would say on a scale from 1-10, I'm a solid 6...well on a good day, but again not that any of that really matters anyways. What click would I fall into? I don't really think I fall into any click. I hang out with whoever. Nerds, goths, class clowns, emos, video game geeks, girls, guys, and sometimes even the occasional jock, you know, when they're not shoving me into lockers and stuff. I would say that I'm just an average guy who just doesn't fit into any category, but also doesn't seclude myself from any of them either, and honestly I like it this way. Anyways, Kevin and I dashed towards the school bus.

"The Beauregard brothers fashionably late again. What a surprise," scoffed Mrs. Kinley, the ever-so-enthusiastic bus driver. To know that someone out there willingly married our monotone and cranky bus driver was a mystery to everyone. Kevin rolled his eyes, but I flashed her an apologetic smile and she scoffed again.

We proceeded to find seats. Of course Kevin automatically found a seat with the popular kids in the least gross place on the bus. As I made my way through the narrow space I managed to spot my friends, Julie and Marcus, sitting in the far back seats per usual. Juliana Foster, aka Julie, was one of my best friends who I've known since I was 6. We went through the phases of people teasing us about dating and how we should just get together already. The thing with that is, I've never seen Julie in that way. Sure she's pretty with a great body, slender fingers, long platinum blonde hair that reaches down to her waist, and cerulean blue eyes. She also happens to be one of the smartest girls in our grade. A lot of guys have even asked her out. Hey even Kevin had a thing for her at one point, well, you know, until she flat out turned him down stating that he was an abomination to men everywhere. She's always been a special person to me, but never an object of attraction for me, to say the least. My other best friend being the guy sitting next to her, Marcus Turner. Remember that brief mention of me hanging out with a class clown, well that's him. He was a goofy guy who could turn any situation into a laugh. There were definitely times when his humor saved me from the disaster of boring days and moments of awkwardness. He's a bit shorter than me, with curly ginger hair, green eyes, and obvious freckles that speckled his cheeks. Marcus and I don't go as far back as Julie and I, but we're definitely more like brothers than I am with my actual one. In 3rd grade, he saved me from multiple spitball attacks and even gave me his juice-box when this mean kid, named Billy knocked mine over claiming that it was an accident but secretly giggled about it to all his friends when our teacher wasn't looking. If that wasn't a fated meeting between us then I don't know what is.

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