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Hiccuping, Denmark raised a finger to his lips and signaled the people around him to be silent.

He had taken to Gilbert's house, you see. It was his place of salvation, because he could drink to his heart's desire until worries were but dirt in the wind. German beer was alright, though he would never admit it to the German's themselves.

Iceland, who was downing his third Coca-cola of the evening and engaged in some serious-looking chat with Germany, arched an eyebrow at him as if to ask,"The Hell is so important?" Even so, both of them shut up. Prussia, positioned to Denmark's side, leaned in closer with a shit-eating grin on his face.

"Whoooo is it?" he whispered, cupping a hand to his ear so as to better his hearing of the person on the other line of the phone.

"Denmark," Norge answered in a flat voice. "What do you want?"

"It's Norway," whispered Prussia loudly, crawling off of the couch and across the floor to sit at Iceland's side. With a disdainful sniff, Iceland promptly crawled to the other side of the glass dining table, taking his coke with him.

"Wow, haha! I've missed you too, you grumpy little enhjørning!" chortled Denmark.

"Did you just call me a- Never mind... Look, Dane. About earlier-"

"You mean the most terrific freaking kiss I've experienced in, like, a gajillion years?!" He tipped his head back with a loud, scratchy laugh. Out of the corner of his eye, he could see Iceland look up, interest sparkling in his violet-purple eyes. "No need to apologize. I loved it, Nor! In fact, I think-" He paused with a hiccup,"-I think I may just love you!"

"Don't say that!" On the other line, Norway's voice had risen into a shout. "Are you drunk? You idiot, you've been drinking, haven't you? Do you know what saying that kind of thing could do?!"

Mathias could feel his prior jovial demeanor melting away, as did the smile on his lips. Why was Lukas so difficult to understand? Why couldn't he make things simple for a change? Oh, how he would love that!

From the floor, Gilbert looked up at him and held up the beer that Mathias had all but forgotten about. He took it with a grateful nod. "Look, Norge. I don't understand why ya keep saying things like that. Are you in love with me and just don't want to admit it? I know I'm one handsome son of a-"

"Stop it, Denmark. This is serious."

"I don't understand what's so serious about it! You kissed me, and-"

"Wait, wait, wait. Nor kissed you?" Tickled pink, and with an enormous grin, Iceland scrambled to his feet and over to Denmark.

"Damn right he did."

"Is that Emil? God, Mathias! Are you telling the entire world?" Norway sounded distraught.

Mathias rolled his eyes and moved to his feet, stumbling off in the direction of the kitchen. He could sense Emil following close behind. "Well, it's not like I could talk about it with you. You took off and wouldn't answer the phone for hours!"

"You're such an idiot! You told my brother? Do Fin and Sweden know? I swear it on my life, if you told either of them, I'll strangle you."

"Violence, huh? I'm actually at Gil's. Sve and Finny don't know anything, but why not tell them? You and I, Nor. We're practically married!"

"Stop saying things like that. You're not fit to drive, are you? And Ice is over there with you." Norway's voice went stony. Mathias  pulled himself up to sit on the counter, playfully crossing and uncrossing his eyes at Emil, who had followed him in and was standing in the archway of the room.

"That'd be correctamundo!"

"...You're not driving home with my little brother."

"Awe, c'mon, Norge! I've only had, like... twelve... thirteen... I dunno, I've had a few, but I can still see straight!"

"Yeah, I'm sure you can see about as straight as-"

"My sexuality?"

"I swear I'll choke you, you difficult moron! But first... I guess I have to pick you up. Because I'm not letting you drive home like this."

Mathias scoffed. It wasn't like he'd not been more wasted in the past. "Your brother will make it home alive, Norge. I swear it!" Grinning, he held his free hand to his heart.

"Oh, I'm sure. But I don't care. I'm coming to get you, and if you try to leave before I get there, I'm telling Tino that you were the one who ate the last piece of cake the other day."

"Norge!" Mathias whined, tipping his head back. "Why are you doing this?"

"Because, you stupid anko! You... have my brother with you."

Just before Norway hung up and the line went dead, Mathias was sure he heard something else, something whispered on the other line with the hushed urgency of a secret. Something along the lines of,"...and because I don't want you to get hurt."

Then again, maybe the beer really was getting to his head.

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