Chapter 3-run!

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Chapter 3-

Once we got inside our newly made house I clawed at Justin."stop it!" he said, annoyingly." why did you just make Jacob do something aguasnt his will?!" I shouted.

"and what do u mean he 'did everything'?" I added dramatically."because he did. I could read his mind. He wanted to question us and take us to his dog friends so they could see what we are. He thought that if Sam knew we ate dear that this Sam person would bann is from their land." Justin explained.

"which means no house, no beach and no school? We would have to run agian?" I asked quietly."yes." Justin sighed."we can't let this happen! I was starting to get used to this. And I love the beach here!" I demanded.

"that's why we can't let Sam or any of the other wolves know we exists. Of we run into one of them just act like nothing happened. I'm sure Jacob went off already telling his dig friends about us." Justin rolled his eyes.

"then it's settled. Act like nothing ever happened." I argeeed....

Jacobs pov.

I tried catching up with Justin and Kimberly but they were to fast! Faster than me! How am I going to explain this to sam? And I can't believe Justin just made me do something agiasnt my will!

I swear I wouldve changed into my wolf form if Justin didn't start running with Kimberly. I started walking back to sams.

Once I got there I knocked on the door.Emily anwsered."hi Jacob! Nice to see you agian! Their in the kitchen of course." Emily gretted.

I smiled polightly than walked through the door and into the kitchen where I found embry, quil, Sam and jared. The rest must be patrolling tonight.

"hey." I waved."what ups and heys" coursed back to me. I sat in one of the chairs. His am I going to tell them?"tell us what?" Sam asked in his deep voice.

"ummm." I started. Should I tell them that she's a cat first or that," you met a girl that csntransform into a cat!?" embry shouted unbelievebly.

I nodded. Slowky." is she a threat?" Sam asjed."no, not that I know of." I anwsered."tell us more." Jared said interested." yea. Does she hav claws or something?" quil asked.

That's when I told them everything. From running into her at the beach to knowing her life story."wow." Jared said."whoa." quil said.

"ooooo" embry said. Sam just stayed quiet. "if she becomes a threat I'm going to send her back to her old home." Sam warned. I frowned at thus idea.

She doesn't have her old home anymore. But I j,st let it go and went back to eating. Once I was done I waved goodbye to everyone and ran home.

Once I got home I went straight to bed thinking about all the things Kimberly and Justin had said about them. I know it was real. I just know it!


Kimberly's pov.

I woke up with sunshine filling my new room. I got off the bed and checked myself in the mirror. I was back to normal. Good.

I went downstairs to find Justin looking at a book."whatcha readin?" I asked while skipping to the frige to grab a rootbear.

"always energetic, kimmy. I'm readin about the schools here. I think you should go to the reservation school." Justin said.

My energeticniss quickly turned into confusess."your not coming to school to?" I asked, tilting my head."I'm 18." Justin said, rolling his eyes.

"just tell people you got held back." I said in a 'duh' tone."okay okay." Justin gave in."now that that's settled I'm going to the Beach with my guitar." I smiled.

"be back for lunch. We r going out hunting so just meet me in the middle of the woods." Justin said."gotcha." I agreeed.

I walked out the door and ran to the beach. Once I got there I sat down and started playing 'loud' by R5.

I completely luv that song!!!! I felt someones presence. And it smelt familiar. Jacob. I stoped playing and stared out at the ocean.

"hey." Jacob said."hi." I said."soo, I see you transformed back." Jacob replied, calmly."Wadda mean? Transformed?" I asked, pretending to be confused.

"umm? Your catius form? Life story? Anything ring a bell?" Jacob asked." r u coo-COo in the head?" I replied.

Jacob was starting to look confused. He grabbed my hand and starting leading me somewhere. I wanted to run to where Justin said we should meet up but Jacob would see me.

So I was stuck.

He lead me to a little house and I could smell and hear multiple people. They smelled like wolfs. Oh-no.

"where r we?" I asked."sams." Jacob replied, easily. He's going to question! Justin!

I need to get justin!

Jacob lead me into the house and there was a few people there- or should I say wolfs- in the kitchen eating HUGE muffins.

The oldest one looked at me."this is Kimberley." Jacob said slowly."ohh, this is kimberly. Do u mind? If we ask u questiins?" the oldest one-I'm guessing Sam- said.

"um, you know what I have to leave-" I started."where?" one of the younger ones asked."Seth. Let me ask the questions." Sam warned. Seth nodded.

"umm." thus was starting ringer really over whelming. I started shaking. No, thus can't be happening now!

I could fell my inner cat coming out. Everyone's eyes went wide, except for jacobs.

I growled annoyingly when they just looked at my claws and ears and stuff, not saying anything."Jacob was right." one of the other boys said.

Justin was right! Jacob did tell! I turened to Jacob."u told!" I growled." , didn't know u didn't want me to." Jacob said, looking down."it was a secret! Now we have to leave! We have to run agian! I don't want to run!" I screeched.

The boys got in a defensive poise except for Jacob because he look guilty." leave us alone! We just wanted to ask questions!" the boy exclaimed.

"quil, let me talk." Sam warned agian."I don't want to be asked questions! I want to leave! No more questions about if what catiuss are are real! Just pretend like nothing happened! Like you don't know that any of this happened!" I screamed, angrily.

Then all of a sudden some water from the sink slashed on them. I took this time to turn invisible and run.

How could Jacob tell?! Now we have run! Agian! Run run run! That's all we ever think about now! Run! ..........

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