The beginning

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The winds howled and rampaged across the garden bringing stones and plants with it and thrusting them against the house. I crouched in the corner, away from the window, behind the oak table I had grabbed; shivering and crying. The noise was monstrous; it bounced off everything and hurtled towards my ear drums over powering all my other senses and drowning out my sobs.

I was alone and it was my entire fault. Why did I want to go to the woods? Why was this house even here? It smelt damp, the paint had peeled off the walls and ceilings and scattered the floor like giant flakes of skin. There was no furniture apart from the oak table, which I was hiding behind, and a broken plastics lamp in the far corner. The curtains were all ripped at the bottom, and looked like rats tails strung up; they were a cream colour but had what looked like blood splattered across it.

My own clothes were damp from earlier when I fought through numerous waterfalls of rain that dashed off everything in my path. I was parched, famished and desperately need a shower; my hands and knees were smeared with mud and blood and what made it worse the blood wasn't even mine but a young boy I had killed!

As the supernatural storm past I ventured out from behind the table in search of any edible food and water and if there was even a working shower in this shell of a home.

The storm had ripped up everything from the ground. All the windows were even cracked or completely gone from the window frame leaving glass shattered on the ground very much like my memory. Rain had come through the window and soaked anything in a meter radius of it. The door was wide open, had I even closed it? Leaves, twigs and dirt had been swept in ruining to polished wooden floors. The ceilings dripped with water it was seeping through cracks and gaps and splattered on the floor leaving and odd poke-a-dot pattern on the almost dry floor.

Edging towards the kitchen, I was greeted by a rot stench that flipped my stomach bring vomit up my throat. I swallowed it there was no way I was adding to the vile concoction of smells that penetrated my nostrils. It was bear; no work surfaces, an open fridge door that contained a carton of milk and a pork chop, the cupboards had been ripped from the walls and burned in the corner. Black soot coated the entire room and the far wall was charred within an inch of its no existent life. The wall next to me had been scratched and as I looked closer I could see that they resembled letters, 'watching, always watching, always', it said. What did that mean? Not wanting to find out I made my way to the door making sure I didn't fall over on the wet wood.

The air outside was bitter and bazar, the wind would be going north but by the next minuet it would be going south. Clouds circled above, there deep purple glow radiated of the clouds and turned everything a strange violet colour. An eerie wail sailed through the house; from the woods, from the mountains that stretched beyond the eye could see with their peaks pricing the purple clouds. Goose bumps popped up. My knees felt weak. My back muscles twitched.

Off in the distance down the road I could hear a low crumble of a car engine. Squinting at the direction of the noise, I tried to see it but I couldn't through the slanted rain. I stepped closer to the noise out of curiosity.

Lights suddenly came into view smashing blown around plant pots out the way, it crashed over the lawn bouncing towards me like a bear running. The engine roared. I found myself crouched on the floor hands behind my head screaming everything was so much louder and scarier. My cheeks were drenched again with my own salty tears.

Something touched my back I didn't care who did it or what, I leaped up and ran. I didn't know where I ran but all I knew was that I wanted to get away. My legs got tired quickly and my breathing became rapid. My vision started to blur and my head started to pound. I slowed down to a stumble my feet barely making it off the floor before I fell to my knees. I had to hold onto a tree for support.

"She's over here!" shouted someone I turned my head just enough to see a guy in a white plain t-shirt and black skinny jeans running towards me.

Scrambling up again, I made a run for it but before I could get far a hand circled round my elbow yanking me back.

"Get off me!" I shouted struggling against his grip.

"Your hurt, let me help you." He said grabbing my arm exposing gashes crossing my forearm.

"No I don't I'm fine now get off me." A small growl like noise escaped my lips, shocking me and him.

"I don't think so." He said, dragging me back towards the car where I could see two other people sitting inside staring at me.

I didn't even try to struggle I had no energy to. So I let him lead me to the car.

I have to give it to him though he does look quite cute about 17, a year older than me. His hair was quite long for a guy but it suited him in the messy way he had styled it. He was a good  foot taller than me and most defiantly stronger than me.

The other people in the car were both guys as well but looked more like a gay couple than two straight  lads. I wondered if they were linking. They sat with their knees touching each others.

I looked up to guy who was guiding me towards the car, his face looked away from mine slightly but I could still see his eyes glace at me. I could still feel my arm bleeding heavily but it didn't bother me anymore. The outside air had become colder and now when I exhaled there was a cloud of steam coming from my nose and mouth. I debated whether or not to pretend I was a train but I went against the idea as it probably won't help this negative first impression vibe I'm probably sending out to them.

I mean I was dressed in everything black, blood covered my arms and face, my mascara was probably down my cheeks and I was giving death glares on anything in my way. 

One of the guys got out of the car was we came closer. His hair was dyed white and his eyes were a vold piercing blue. He nodded at the guy holding me and swing open the door before gesturing for me to get in.

"Hold the fuck up! I ain't getting in the car with three guys who are strangers, you think I'm 10 years old or something?!" I sarcastically struggling against the guys grip.

"Yes you are, its for the best. Just please trust us, it's hard to explain." He rubbed his neck with his free arm, his eyes pleading with me.

"Fine whatever, but if you try any funny business I'm castrating you. Got it?"

"Got it."

I climbed into the back of the car and the door was shut behind me. He climbed into the seat beside from the other side as the white haired guy climbed into the front.

The car was put into gear and sped forwards back down the road. We sat in silence for ages.

As the minutes went by and I could feel myself get increasingly weaker and more tired. My limps started to feel every. I tried to say something to get their attention but I just ended up making a small whining sound.

Just before every thing  went black I saw the guy next to me look over at me and his eyes grew wide as he tore at his t-shirt and wrapped it around my forearm.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 18, 2015 ⏰

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