Prologue -The Crash

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Chapter 1 - The Crash

Once, just once, I crashed into a flying meteor.

At lightning fast speed.

It was not on purpose or anything. It just happened.

I was manoeuvring my spaceship when that meteor came flying my way. I tried veering to the side, but still, that did not help at all. It was only when the meteor came right in front of my spaceship that I realised how humongous it was.

It was the size of a whole building of ten floors.

As I veered to the right, I had forgotten to check the radar, and yet another rude shock awaited my presence. There was another meteor. To the right. By then, it was too late. Simply too late. Hoping was useless. But I still did. I braced myself against the onslaught of pain that I would be facing in a matter of a few pathetic seconds. Curling myself up into a ball, knowing that it was useless, I groaned in exasperation. Why had I joined this race?

"Abort mission," a robotic voice spoke. "Mission failure. Your spaceship is going to explode. In ten seconds." Just shut up already! I pressed the emergency evacuation button which released me from my seat and sent me catapulting through the air, if there was any.











Was it going to be the end of my pathetic life? Was it? The end? Apocalypse? No. I thought too much. My "little" blunder would not spell the end of the world. At least, I hoped so.

How about my life?

As if in response to my question, I heard a thunderous boom ricocheting through the atmosphere. My spaceship. It was in smithereens. The glowing embers of the fire raced rapidly towards me, trying its best to keep up with my speed. I, as well, started moving.

Would I make it in time? But even if I did, where would I go? The next planet was a hundred kilometres away, and I certainly could not make it with such a low oxygen supply left! Yikes.

I chided myself for not bringing another oxygen tank along with me. I was too confident. Over confident, to be precise. The fire was just inches away from me, its fiery fingers reaching out to grasp me being.

All hopes for survival had been lost.

I stopped struggling to get away, and gave in. The fire engulfed me as my skin blistered, signalling the end of my life.

At the very least, I died in space - my favourite place in the galaxy.

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