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Disclaimer: Do not own Soul Eater or Beauty and The Beast or the song. Please enjoy and review :) Happy Halloween!!!


"Pum-pum-pumpum, I always get what I want Just give it to me. Pum-pum-pumpum, I'm a beauti-beauti-ful pretty lady" Blair danced in the kitchen baking up some Halloween treats for herself and her kitties.

"Did you guys really have to point out that Kid's pumpkin was not symmetrical? It practically ruined the rest of the afternoon of pumpkin carving and fun before the party." Maka shook her head to Soul's grinning face.

"Yeah it was only fair Maka, he was going on and on about how ours weren't right when his pumpkin itself was lopsided." he retorted back setting his pumpkin down next to Maka's traditional one. His instead of having a normal mouth, had a piano keys but at the ends of the keys were scythe blades and the eyes in the shapes of the very souls he devoured. Before Maka could reply Blair butted in.

"No fighting on Halloween my kittens, today is meant to be fun for everyone. Children going out trick or treating and teens/adults have fun going to parties and of course eating lots of sweets." pulling out her cakes she sprinkled powdered sugar on them.

"Blair, Halloween is just a holiday for small children to dress up and gather candy. Everyone else use it as an excuse to party and get plastered, so what's fun about it? Unless you're a dentist." Maka mumbled the last part under her breath.

"Like I said Maka, it's fun dressing up as something else that you wouldn't normal be or wear on a day to day basis. Plus there is nothing wrong with having a party to unwind, live a little kitten."

Picking up one of Blair's cakes Maka eyed the baked good and took a bite out of it letting out a satisfying moan turning to Blair.

"What is this Blair? It's really good. Honestly how is it you can bake but you can't cok your way out of a paper bag?" she asked slapping Soul's hand away from her treat.

"Get your own Soul, this one is mine."

"It's my famous pumpkin caramel lava cake. I prefer baking over cooking cause its easier Maka." Blair smiled passing a piece of cake to Soul, who was drooling over it. Taking a bite out of the cake Soul joined Maka in praising the feline.

"I agree with Maka these are really good Blair. You should bake more often."

"We'll see Soul-kun but shouldn't you two lovebirds be getting ready for Kid-kuns party?"

"I'm practically dressed just need to add my cape and I'm good to go."

"What are going to be then? A superhero?" Blair questioned looking at the plain clothes he was wearing.

"Nah so uncool Blair, I'm going to be a vampire as I don't really need to do much for it." he grinned. He was dressed in black jeans and a black shirt.

"Ummm no offense Soul-kun, shouldn't you be wearing something more fancy like?"

"Nah no need Blair especially since Black Star will most likely just ruin it."

"Silly Soulie, what about you Maka, what are you dressing up as?"

"Nothing Blair, just going to keep this one out of trouble." she stuck her thumb out pointing to Soul.

"Awws come on that's no fun Maka. You two should have matching outfits ohhh how about you two pull off the Twilight outfits...ohhh that would be adorable. Pum pum pumpumpkin." light engulfed the two of them and as soon as it cleared they stand there as Edward and Bella.

"Blair god no change me back I don't want to be dressed like this at all. Plus I doubt Soul wants to be a sparkling vampire because they aren't cool." she said looking over to Soul, who's skin was sparkling.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 14, 2015 ⏰

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