Author's Note

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Hi everyone!!!!!!!! Today's author note will be on a new character that i will be adding into this book. I have a few options that came out from fikayolo, and i will be listing some of them. So these are the instructions before i list out the names.

1. Comment in the Comment box

2. If you have the same choice as a certain reader, just reply on that comment will do. (e.g Woozi (typed in comment) in that same comment, just reply Woozi as well will do) 

3. You can go ahead and spam me all you want :)

4. The deadline is on this Thursday.....if i feel like it, i will extend the deadline.

So now here are the options:

1. Woozi (Seventeen)

2. L.Joe (Teen Top)

3. Hansol (Seventeen, Topp Dog, SM Rookies (choose whichever you like))

4. G-Dragon/Taeyang (Big Bang)

5. Any EXO member of your choice

So the choices are out!!!!!! Go ahead and start spamming the moment you receive this update! And only 2 votes per reader

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