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The stroy shall commence!

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It was about a five in the morning and there was a lot of noise on the first level of their home.

 They could never perdict what was about to happen to them. This is because they were a good, loving family, that gave a lot to the community and to others. With her Sweetness and her always wanting to help someone in need, no one could perdict this happening. Except maybe her....

She has nightmares that haunt her of her past. And ever day she wakes up wondering if they will  come back to get her. She will no longer have to wonder and not know because this is the day they did.......

She woke up, for the noise was to loud to go un-noticed. "Nathan!, honey are you alright?" she called out from the top of the stairs, looking down hoping to see her son in the kitchen. She hoped it was just him fetching some water for the dry throat he had been complaining about. After a few momments of wating for him to reply to her question she hurried down the stairs only to find a cup of water on the kitchen counter half empty. She wouldnt have found this odd except for the fact that Nathan never leaves the cup half empty. He either fills it to the rim and dumps the rest out when he is done with it or doesnt drink at all. She was now worried, so she ran up the stairs into the room of her son. Nothing, he was not there no were to be found in the home. Now was not the time to panick she tried to tell herself but it wasnt working. They came back for revenge and took her son. what is she to do now? call the police? look for him herself? Do nothing? No! the last one was not an option. She would call the police and file a missing persons report, and then she would call her former husband, brent. This is what it has come to....


He picked up the phone to hear the sound of his very worried histarical ex wife ordering him to come over to her house because there was aproblem. He wondered how big the problem was because she would never call if it wasnt an emergency. Which only leads him to correctly  think that it is his son that is in danger. He swiftly picked up his car keys and gracefully sped out the door. Before he pulled out of his driveway he noticed a peice of paper sticking out of his mailbox lid.... What could this be? he thought quickly, for there wasnt much time to waste,  if  who he thought had taken his son, really took his son there wasn't time to spare. He thought for a moment and decided it wasnt anything important, just his men leaving a message.

{Mail Box note}

 you must do as they tell you. It is the only way to get your son back. He will not be harmed if you will just do as they say. Burn this note...

                                                      formerly yours ,


The note was disregarded and so this puts Nathan in danger. One can only hope Brent gets back in time to keep his son safe. While Nathan's mother and father are frantically trying to think of something  that will help their son and get him back home, Nathan is being threatened. It is his time to learn that nothing is more important than the life of himself and the lives of  his family.


I am very excited about this story and hope that you are too! I hope that you keep on reading this one because that would mean a lot to me. 

Thanks for reading

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next upload: soon! :)

xoxox Sarah :)

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 08, 2012 ⏰

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