Chapter 2: Mother Dearest

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"Well, it was nice seeing and talking to you again," I started, "But I have to go and pick up Genevieve and Giselle."

"Oh, well bye," Jenna said.

"Bye,". We hugged one another. After that, I was on my way to picking up Gen and Gis. Finally, I pulled up at their school.

I rolled down the car window and shouted,"Hey! Gis! Gen!" Soon enough, they both came running in. "So, how was your day?" I asked .

"Fine" they both rejoiced.

"Great". 15 minutes later, I pulled up at our driveway.

Genevieve and Giselle were the first out. I got out of the car and opened the front door.

"Ew. It smells like sweaty feet!!" Giselle said holding her nose.

"C'mon. Go and do your homework," I started," dinner will be ready in an hour".

 Once they went upstairs, I walked to the kitchen. I checked the refrigerator for any sign of food. Nothing but half a gallon of water,5 eggs, a little less than half a gallon of milk, and 4 bars of butter. Then, I checked the all the cupboards and found 3 box of mac and cheese, 5 boxes of instant oatmeal, and 5 boxes of instant mashed potatoes. After, I checked the pantry All we had there were canned soups and veggies.

"Okay, so we are having mac and cheese, with mashed potatoes, and peas," I told myself.

 I soon got to work and finished in exactly 1 hour. "Dinner's ready!!" I shouted wiping my hands on an old rag. Both girls raced down the stairs and were sitting at the dinner table faster than you could say "dig in". I sat down with them and said grace. Soon after, Gis and Gen started to pile food on their plates.

I never start eating/and or start putting food on my plate till I put food on a plate for my mother. Well, not since the divorce. Not since 7Th grade. Not for about 4 or 5 years now.

I slowly made my way up the creaky, old, oak stairs. As soon as I got to my mother's room, my heart started pumping faster and my palms started to sweat. I managed to get my hand to rise and knock on the door.

I heard a small muffled voice say, “Go away".

"M-m-mom, it's me- Hazel. I brought you your dinner," I stuttered. You would think that after all these years I would suck it up and accept the fact that my mom is an alcoholic. But I can’t, I won’t, and I don't think I ever will.

I slowly and calmly stepped inside the room. I put the plate on her nightstand and quickly got out. I rushed downstairs and into the dining room.

 "Did you finish your homework?" I asked piling food on my plate

. "Yes ma'am," they replied in unison. Although both girls were finished eating, they sat at the table accompanying me. That's what I liked about them; they were always by my side no matter what.


~2 hours later~

"C'mon, time to go to bed," I said shutting the T.V. off.

"OK" was all they said. "Well that went better than I expected," I thought.

Soon enough, both girls were in bed, they're alarm clocks where set for 5 am, and there was not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse.

I took a quick shower, brushed my teeth, got into my pjs and went to sleep. I fell into a very deep sleep and had one of the most beautiful dreams that anyone could have; I dreamt that my family was actually normal. My family. Normal.Boy what a dream that was.

"CLANG!!" was the sound I was woken up by at 2 am. I quickly got out of bed, put on a robe, crabbed my metal bat, and ran downstairs.

"Hello? Is anybody there?" I asked turning on the kitchen lights. There, before my own eyes, stood my 42 yr old mother with 3 bags filled with bottles of vodka, cherry, and rum.

"Mom what are you doing up?" I asked walking over to her.

"What does it look like I'm doing, “She slurred with an attitude, “I just fell down".

I helped her up, and she slowly dragged herself and the bags up the stairs to that dark, gloomy place she calls her bedroom. She may call it her "bedroom", but I call it hell. As I saw her walking up those stairs, I felt a part of me die.

"If only she could get help.." a tear escaped from my left eye, and before I knew it, I was on the floor crying.

"It isn't fair," I told myself, "What have I done to deserve a mother like that?". I was interpreted by my thoughts when I heard little footsteps coming from the stairs.

It was Genevieve, "What’s wrong?" she asked rushing to my side.

"Nothing," I told her, "Now go to bed. We have school in a couple hours," . She did as she was told and I went to bed as well.






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⏰ Last updated: Oct 10, 2011 ⏰

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