
37 1 4

I was standing at the bus stop, it had dropped me off about half an hour ago. Let me introduce myself my name is Dani, and right now I'm a little pissed. You see my mom is supposed to be here to pick me up, but the rain is here and she's not.

"Ugh, what is taking so long" I say to myself as I check my phone.

I had just came from my friends house, she invited me over to watch some Jeff documentaries and crap, basically creeping ourselves out. Guess what? It worked because it's about 10:36, and I don't want to be the one they find dead on the side of the road. For those of you who don't know who Jeff The Killer is I'm gonna tell you: He's a kid who went insane after being bullied and killed his own family.

Someone beeps at me, it's my mom

"About time" I think

"Don't use that tone with me young lady, you have no idea what I just went though to come and get you"

"Well" I said as I motioned for her to continue

"First off the traffic was horrible" I raise my eyebrow



"There is no traffic"

She slightly cringed knowing I was right. I told her to forget and to go home.


As we pulled into our driveway I glanced at my house. We have been living here for a year or two now, and it sucked. Don't get me wrong I'm grateful to have a roof over my head and food on the table it's just that money is tight so we ended up on the bad side of town.

"Dani, let's go"

I look up to see that my mom is at the door already.

"Coming" I yell up to her, as I began to walk towards the stairs that lead to my back door. I walk in and take my shoes and socks off, then go into the living room. As soon as sit on the couch my mom tells me to go to bed. I'm in 10th grade and falling asleep is an issue for me so my mom gave me a 'bed time'.

I start up the stairs that led to my room. I stiffened when I heard the floorboards under me creek in protest 'cause my brain so kindly decided to remind me of CreepyPastas and every that could happen to me in the dark. Not wanting any of those senerios in my head to take place, I dash for the stairs. I swear I heard something behind me, So I jump into bed and childishly pulled the covers over my head, and held my breath.

Seconds later something jumped onto my bed, I can feel the heavy weight at the edge of my bed and hear the thumping of my heart in my ears as the weight moves toward me. My first instinct is to call for Mom, and I pray to God almighty that she isn't sleep. The weight is now on my chest as I feel the wetness of tears running down my face. Something pulls at the covers. I scream, as loud and much as my lungs would let me, but no one came to my aid. It finally pulls the cover away from me. I put my hands over my ears and shut my eyes tightly. The thing suddenly started to........ hug me?

I open my eyes it's my mom

"Dani, what's wrong, are you okay wh-why are you screaming, is someone in here"

"N-No something was on m-my b-bed" I look down and I see Luxio my yellow Lab staring at me with those cute chocolate eyes. He wagged he otter-like tail and licked my face, I gave him a small smile. Then my mom just starts to laugh

"What's so funny I almost died" I asked a little enraged

"Yeah, death by Lab I can see it on the news now 'daughter dies because of vicious doggie licks'"

I faked a pout and threw a pillow at her.

 "How dare you mock my death, just for that I'll hunt for for the rest of your life, you shall be scared for all eternity"

Still laughing she said "Honey you're not dead"

I smirked "How do you now you never checked my pulse nor have you checked my heart beat I could be dead at this very moment"

I tried to pretend to strangle her, but mom being mom caught my hand and check my pulse.

"Hmmm if I'm not mistaken there's a pulse right there"

"You're mistaken, it's.. um..... it's... fake, ya, fake"

She scoffed " Yeah right, now go to bed it's nearly 12 o clock and I don't need a phone call about YOU falling asleep"


" No buts, sleep now."

I started laughing like a mad man. Mom stared at me like I was crazy.

"You said BUTTS" I was laughing so hard I snorted

"You are so mature for a 15 year old. Note the sarcasm"

"Well someone's not aloud in my treehouse"

"But you don't have a-"


"Okay okay" She said as she walked down the stairs. I heard her turn on maury saying YOU ARE NOT THE FATHER. I chuckled a little, then looked at Luxio. He wagged his tail again then licked me. I laughed, he wagged his tail some more she got up and laid down next me. I snuggled against him and let the darkness of sleep consume me.

Alright guys Jeff is in the next chapter I promise, but tell me what you think so far.

Have a great day or middle of the night if any of you are like me.

Jeff The Killer X OCWhere stories live. Discover now