summer love

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Hey yall this is summer love with

MB the coulpes are

Prodigy & Taiyari

LALA &Princetone

Diamond &RocRoyal


Prod its the last day of school and I won't to take Taiyari out .

Taiyari its the last day of school and I get to be with prodigy all sunmer

LALA : its the the first day of summer we should go to the beach.

princeton : we should take to girls and do some thing for them and its all of our anniversary and we have deen bateing them for 1 year now

roc : yea we should let's take them to Dinner and give them something

like a promise ring or neakless with our names or something like that but we should bo something for our #1 girls

rayray : well taytay is my girl and I will do anything for my #1girl she's my everything and I love with all my heart

prodigy : taiyari is my world with out her I would not be able to go on stage every concert we have and not see her there with me she's more then my everything she's my #1girl

princeton : my LALA she is the reson I get up every mornig and work out do concerts and she's the one I won't to weak up to every night and sleep with her every night to make her soup when she's sick and won't to to help her with prodlems that she might have

princeton is so sweet yall and he's the one how will make yall love work

RocRoyal: Diamond is the one for me, she's been there for me forever with out her I would not be in MB and I would not be danceing on these stages at all I would not be the boy I am today she's the one for me my #1girl and I would do anything for her love

taiyari POV :my baby prod is the one for me and we have been to get for 1 year now. I rememder when we first got together at the #1girl tour and we were in love and he came up and told that I was amazanly preety and that he would like to keep in touch with me so we gave each other our number and then we never stoped talking to each other scienc then now we have been going out for a year now

this was love a firstt sight for prodigy & taiyari and the others to

LALA POV :the first time i seen princeton I new that it would be then he just talk to me for a littel befor going on stage and befor they sang future he came to get you than after that he gave you his number and you gave your number to him to so y'all can keep in touch

TayTay POV : I kinda new that rayray and I would be from the start when he ask what was my name and found out that our names were almost the same and the same as his littel brother so we just talked befor he had to go on stage and got to know each other befor he ask me for my numder and you you asked for his numder and we stayed in touch with each other and made sure that we would meet again and now we have to stay in touch with each other

Diamond POV : I alway love roc and alway wonted to be that one girl and now I am and we have been going out for a year now and he showed me that our love would be forever and we got each others number and we alway where talking in less he had a show to do I would be there on the side line watching him poform and when he got of we would alway go eat then hang out and eat like we did not care cuz we did not care that people where watching us cuz we where in love

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