Chaptets will be up soon

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Just to let you guys know I am nearly done with chapter one and it will hopefully be up by then end of next week. I know it's been too long but it my last year if school and I have so much work to catch up on. I have extremely bad attendance at school due to anxiety and depression (I'm going to be open instead of bullshitting with a pathetic excuse) and I have so much I have to do but I have been plotting some chapters mentally and I have almost done chapter one. I have an operation on Wednesday 21st (of October obviously) and because of it I can't go to school for the rest of that week (then I have a week off for half term anyway) so I can do final tweaking and adjust the chapter to how I want it and post it. This chapter is pretty long so it has taken a while. The rest of the book will hopefully be done in more regular updates because the chapters won't have to be as long as this one. Thank you for being so patient and the kinds support Messages mean a lot and I really want to say the votes and reads I have gotten on my smut book are so extreme I never thought I would reach that high and I am so happy, so thank you infinity amounts of times. YOU GUYS ARE AMAZING AND PERFECT AND I LOVE YOU GUYS.

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