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Nelly p.o.v

I woke up to sound of crying and that means Bella is awake. I got out of my comfy bed and went to Bella's room took her out of the crib. Went downstairs so I can make her bottle. After I made  her bottle I went to the living sat down with Bella and gave her the bottle. She was eating while I was watching tv. Once she was done with her bottle i burp her. We can go to the mall today. I got Bella dress and me dress(outfits above⬆️ cause I'm lazy). I put Bella in the Carseat in my bmw and made sure I have everything for Bella and me. Then o drove to the mall

*at the mall*

Once we got the mall. I put Bella in the stroller and got the diaper bag and lock my car. Me and Bella went inside the mall and went to the children place to buy her some clothes. After that we went to forever 21 and hit me some clothes. I was starving so me and Bella went to the food court. Once we got to the food court I saw the person I will never want to see again. Bella's father Nate. So me and Bella zoom out of the food court to my car and went home.

"At home"

I took Bella upstairs so she can take a nap. Then I went to my room lay down on my bed and think why did he ever leave me. I was thinking and thinking till I fell asleep.


Hey guys sorry for not updating you know school ugh so yeah and also do you think I should do Nate pov next time I update yes or no

Baby Mama~N.MDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora