Chapter one.

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I woke up with a pounding head ache, I opened my eyes slowly and I noticed I wasn't in my room. I must be at Brandons house, that party got wild last night. I turned over and there was another guy in the bed. It wasn't Brandon, so I slowly peeked at his face, which was hidden by his arm. I picked up his muscular arm and almost instantly my mouth dropped. Laying next to me in bed was the quarter back of my highschool football team, Josh Elkins. He had medium length brown hair, blue eyes, a very muscular body, about 6'3", and was in the same bed as me!! He inhaled sharply and I pretended to be asleep next to him. I felt him get up and let out a blood curdling scream. I shot up. "Whats wrong, what's happening?!?" I said I looked over at him standing next to the bed. "You're naked so what?" he started to blush, blood filling his cheeks. "So are you!!" he said, I looked down and sure enough, I was naked. "Well look at tha-" I stopped when I noticed something on his forearm. "What are you staring at" he snapped at me. I swung my legs over the edge of the bed and grabbed his arm. "What is this?!" I shouted. He looked at his arm and I'm pretty sure he stopped breathing. "That's a tattoo, but I don't, I don't remember how I got it." he started to panic. "That's usually how it goes. When you love somebody or if you are just destined to be together you get their tattoo on your body." I let go of his arm. He got frustrated "But I don't love anybody" "Well then I guess you're just destined to be. Come on, get some clothes on let's go look for the matching tattoo. It looks kinda familiar." I handed him his clothes and got mine on. We slowly made our way downstairs and checked everyones birth tattoo and nothing seemed to match. "Maybe they left?"
"No one left last night" Brandon said from across the room. Me and Josh walked over to him and looked at his birth tattoo. Brandon was covered in tattoos because he falls in love easily, I have One and it showed up my freshman year. I never found out who it belonged to either. "I know how you feel man. I got a random tattoo one day too. Still haven't figured it out yet, would you like to see?" He sighed "sure man, what ever" I pulled my pant leg up to my knee and showed him my calf. "See. I still have no idea wh-" "THATS MY TATTOO" he yelled. "Wait, what?" Brandon said. "That is my tattoo. Look I'll show you." He rolled up his pants to show his right ankle, and sure enough there is was. An exact copy of the one on my calf. "Cameron, your ankle tattoo matches the one on his forearm." Brandon said. "But I'm not gay." Josh hissed. "Really? Waking up naked in bed with another man doesn't give you a clue?" I glared at him.
"What ever I've got to go." He grabbed his keys out of his pocket and left Brandons house. "Wow, get ready for a bumpy ride, Cameron." Brandon said. "You could have told me the same thing last night"

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 07, 2015 ⏰

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