Chapter Thirteen

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:Edited 3/12/16


We waited, and sat around. Tyler had the West side, I had the North and Jason took the East. We would simply mind-link if there was a problem. I yawned as my ears perked up at a distant sound. I hit behind a tree, rolling in the dirt to one mask my scent and two my white fur.

Someones.....rouges! Siera, my wolf growled. I stayed quiet, deciding to mind-link Ty and Jason.

Guys, got rouges coming my way...

I sent and got a return 'on our way' from them both. But they won't make it the sounds are too close and I felt a small amount of fear as I heard several wolves. When I seen two brownish wolves cross and then stop to take a breather. I heard the other wolves coming. I thought that they simply were catching up but they stopped at the border growling and snarling and that's when I realized.

The two were rouge but the others belonged to my old pack. Snapping out of it I let out a vicious growl and they all froze. The bigger black wolf in front of my old packs head snap to mine. But I ignored him as I zeroed in on the two in my territory. They growled back, there body's stances ready to fight. Before I could do anything, one lunged at me, and I dodged giving me the opportunity to sink my canines in his neck. I bit down hard and my mouth instantly filled with his metallic tasting blood.

I was about to twist his neck when the other head butted me in the ribs stealing the air from my lungs. I didn't back down as I caught my footing and lunged at the second. I could hear the pack growling in what I believe was my support but I ignored them I latched my jaws onto whatever part I could which was his jugular and I bit, twisted and pulled. His body fell, I was about to turn to the other but I was kicked over. He grabbed my leg and chewed. I yelped and whimpered in pain. I looked up and noticed the black wolf from the pack was about to cross when Tyler came out of no where and growled at him, warning him from crossing into our territory.

Jason came barreling out of the thick woods snarling as he seen the rouge holding onto my leg. He didnt heaitate to tackle the rouge to the ground, snapping his neck in seconds. I tried to stand and put pressure on my back paw but I whimpered. Tyler's ears perked along with Jason's and they ran over. Tyler rubbed his snout into my neck and Jason licked my injured paw, stopping the bleeding.

Are you okay, Kels? Jason asked and I sighed when some of the throbbing stopped.

I'm fine.. don't worry.. I said giving a wolfish grin.

We turned our attention to my old pack. Jason shifted back and grabbed some shorts putting them on. I noticed one of theirs shifted and I knew he was the Beta. I had seen him once with Eil.

Kels go behind the tree and shift. Jason ordered and I nodded. He handed me a shirt and I grabbed it and jumped behind a tree. Shifting I pulled the shirt over my head.

I walked out and didn't look at my old pack, I went to stand by Jason and Tyler. I heard gasps but ignored them until I heard a familiar voice that made my heart skip.

"K-kelsey?" The familiar voice said, uncertainty and hope lacing the voice.

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