Chapter 1

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It was a late winters morning. I had woken up late so I threw on a black long sleeved shirt, jeans, and a coat before running out side just before the bus got here. I sit next to my best friend, Sue. Her tan skin covered by an expensive white jacket, and designer jeans. Her long hair -which you could do anything to and it'd still look good- was in twin braids. She looks over at me and raises her eyebrows. "Woke up...late...Had" I say between breaths. I lived two and a half blocks away from the bus stop, so it was a miracle I made it. She nods slightly and looks out the window. I close my eyes and lean back against the seat. "Where were you yesterday, darling?" She asks, now directing her attention to me. "There's a new boy here who is absolutely delectable." I chuckle slightly. "Oh? What's his name?" I ask. "Ben Westerndale." She says. Westerndale... "But seriously, where were you yesterday?" She asks. Where was I? What did I do? I ask myself. "I was sick, so mom made me stay home." I reply, that being the best answer I have. She explains what I missed, and things about the boy. "You know, he mentioned something about a girl named Ash in math class. Do you know him?" I ponder on it for a minute. Do I? His last name sounds familiar... I shake my head. "No, but I'm sure there are a lot of girls named Ash that he could know." I say with a shrug. "Possibly." She says as the bus pulls up to the school. Everybody stands up and they all rush off the bus. Sue and I have homeroom, math, and gym together, so we walk to the classroom, 20 minutes left until class begins. When we walk in, the only people in there is Elizabeth and the boy-Ben- who is reading. I don't really know Elizabeth, but sometimes we exchange pleasurintries. Ben looks up from his book, and Sue grabs my arm and pulls me towards him. He looks at me and I blush immediately and look at the ground. His eyes.... His eyes were emerald green, and his hair was blonde, swept over one eye with streaks of black in it. "Hey, Sue. Who your friend?" He asks. His voice is soft, but strong. He could easily get the attention of any girl. "This is my dearest friend Ash." She says. I look up and he looks up at me, his green eyes meeting my icy blue ones. He smirks slightly and extends his hand out to shake. I extend my shaky hand out and he grabs my hand and kisses it. I blush bright red and Sue looks at him, and than me. He let's go of my hand. "I heard we have the same schedule." He says. "Yep." I say awkwardly with a slight nod. "Give us a minute, Ben." Sue says. She grabs my arm and drags me to the other side of the room. "He likes you. I can tell. I'm pretty sure you were the Ash he was talking about." She says


"Maybe? My Sue senses are telling me it's yes."

"Why don't you ask him."


She walks over to Ben and asks him. He glances over at me and smirks. He says something and Sue nods. She notions for me to come over so I do.

I sit down at our usual lunch table and sigh. Sue and Ben sit on either side of me. I nudge her side softly and she looks over at me. I lean over to her and lower my voice so he can't hear. "So what did he say?" I ask. "Well, it wasn't a direct answer. He said something like, 'Maybe I do, maybe I don't. Maybe fate will decide.'" She says. I nod slightly. I look at my tray and I didn't even get anything I liked. I push it away and sigh. "I didn't realize how bad you were at basketball." He says. During gym we had a game of basketball and I had fallen and missed more times than I was able to shoot a basket. I scowl and rest my head on the table. "All she does all day is spend time on the internet and read." Sue says. "I draw, sing and play piano too, you asshat." I mutter. "Yeah, but I never see you do those things often, so, yeah. My bad for forgetting your hidden talents." She says. "Wow, all that? Anymore hidden talents?" He asks. I blush bright red and groan. I start feeling nauseous so I stand up and dump my tray and walk into the bathroom. I lock myself in a stall, sink down to my knees, and hug them. I close my eyes and after a minute or two I hear the bathroom door open. "Ash?" Sue says. I unlock the door but stay on the floor. She opens it and crouches beside me. "What happened?" She asks. I groan and she helps me up. "I don't know...." I groan. She grabs my arm and we walk out. Ben greets us with a slight frown. "What's wrong?" He asks quietly. "Dunno, but I'm gonna take her to the nurse."

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