Chapter 3

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Out of control....

"So, what happened after I was sent home?" I ask Sue as we sit on a bench near Hot Topic. "Well, after school Ben and I went over to your house and you were asleep. Why?" She asks. So it was a dream? I shake my head slightly. "Just curious, no reason." I say. She nods and hands me my bag of things we bought at Hot Topic. "Well, Ben will be here soon." She says. I nod slightly and stare at all the people passing us, all seeming so happy, but I wonder just how many are wearing their mask. How many cry themselves to sleep. "I think you should change into your new outfit." Sue says after a few minutes. I had gotten a black dress and goes just above my knees, the type of dress that has layers of thin fabric underneath it to make it poof out a little, black heels, and black fishnet gloves. "Yeah...I'll be back." I say. I get up and walk to the bathroom and I walk into a stall and close and lock the door. I take off my clothes and I sigh. I haven't gotten any thinner....but I haven't gotten any heavier, which is what I need. I quickly change and put my hair up in my usual bun. I unlock the door and walk out of the bathroom, where I see Ben and Sue talking about something. Sue looks over at me and squeals. "You look fucking amazing!" She says. I blush slightly and walk over to them. Ben smirks slightly and I feel my cheeks getting warmer. "Ash, you're blushing." She says in a sing-song voice. I cover my cheeks. "No I'm not." I say. "Mm-hmm." She says. I cross my arms over my chest and scowl. Ben nudges my arm with his shoulder softly and I sigh. "Where too now?" He asks. I shrug my shoulders and look over at Sue. "Cheesecake." She says. We both nod and we start walking to the food court.

I sit between Ben and Sue and poke at the chocolate cheesecake in front of me. "Ash, you gotta eat something." She says. I frown slightly and a take a bite of the cheesecake. The texture is creamy, due to all the frosting and the flavor. It tastes like melted dark chocolate, it's flavor floods my mouth. After I finish the first bite, my mouth is watering, but I push the cake away. I close my eyes and clasp my hands in my lap. After a few minutes, I feel a hand on my shoulder. I open my eyes and look behind and it's Ben. I stand up and straighten out the skirt of the dress. Sue hooks shoulders with me and starts skipping. I stumble after her "I'm in heels, Sue!" I yell. She stops skipping and sighs. "Fine." She says, sounding a bit disappointed. We continue walking through the mall, still hooked together when she moves her arm away. I look over at her and raise my eyebrows. She points ahead of us, where a little girl, who doesn't even look eight, lays in the middle of floor in a pool of her own blood. Everybody just stares, until someone screams. Then that's when he chaos happens. There's running, and yelling, people calling an ambulance, but all I do is stand there. Sue shakes my shoulder, but instead of going with her, I walk to the girl. I crouch beside her. She has short, blonde hair, and freckles. Her pink dress is stained red. I grab her hand and I can feel her fingers weakly clutch my hand. "Oh god...." I say quietly. She's still alive....she must be in so much pain.... The girl opens her eyes, and she has ice blue ones, like mine. Tears start forming in her eyes and they spill out. "It'll be okay....You're strong, and you'll make it....I promise...." I say. I should not be making promises like this, I don't know if she'll make it. She squeezes my hand and I wrap my other hand around hers. I close my eyes and make circle motions on her palm.

After god knows how long, I open my eyes. The girl is gone, when did she go? I look at my hands and they're covered in blood. I stand up and look around. I only see Sue, Ben, and a few other people closing up their shops. A woman with graying blond hair and grey-blue eyes. Most likely the woman's mother. "Are you the young lady who stayed with Elizabeth?" She asks. I nod slightly and the woman embraces me. "Thank you for being there when I wasn't." She says. She let's me go and grabs my hands. She puts a small purple velvet purse in my hands and she walks away. I feel two hands on my shoulders and I turn my head and it's Sue and Ben. "Come on, Ash." Ben says quietly. The two of them walk me to the parking lot. We stop at a black pick-up truck. "Can Ash and I stay at your house for a little bit?" She asks. Ben nods and he takes his keys out of his pockets. Lemme call Ash's and my mom." She says. She takes her phone out and I look at the sky. After a few minutes, Sue gets off the phone and puts it okay. "Alright, I'm not sitting in the middle, Ash." She says.

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