The Ark Part One

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Chapter 17:

Allen's Pov:

My grin on my face threaten to rip my face in two as the white halls of the Ark came into view but the smile soon disappeared when two other bodies landed on me, Kory and Lavi. I growled as I threw them off, well tried which was a slightly difficult task. Once they notice who they landed on they jumped off and dashed over to Lenalee, seeing how she was landed on by Kanda and that stupid sub-human.

I looked around at the small group as Lavi helped Lenalee up and to my surprise and amusement Lero was laying there moaning. I snickered as Lero began to yell at Lenalee for landing on him. He looked over at me and then quickly flying over to me, inches from my face as he screeched. "Master Allen! Why Are You With The Exorcists, Lero!"

"Didn't the Earl tell you I was meant to lea-" Another voice cut me off, this one being deep and smooth.

"Hey Shounen, did you want to partake in our little game?" My eye brow twitched the slightest as I knew this was most likely Road's idea and she wouldn't let the chance go until she spilt some exorcist blood today.

"Sure, why not? Which side do you want me to be on Uncle?" I smirked slightly as Tyki's lips twitched downwards at me calling him uncle. He really hated being called uncle because it made him feel old.

"Choose one...It'll be interesting to see but I think it's time you all hurried. The Ark is crumbling under your feet and here's the key to Road's door, they'll take to the two rooms before the area me and Road will be in. Farewell Exorcists...And Shounen don't die." Tyki left as a building fell on him but he used the power of 'Choice' to walk straight through it, throwing Road's key at Kanda, who caught it with ease.

"See ya at the top Exorcists." Tyki's voice echoed as I grabbed Lenalee and ran in the direction where the building weren't crumbling. Some of the exorcists and Chaoji shouted as they ran after me, Lenalee just clung to my shirt in fear that I may drop her.

After I thought that I was a good distance from the crumbling buildings did I sit Lenalee on the ground, the others appearing out of breath a minute later. They all glared at me as I looked around the area we were in, looking at a door and somehow stealing the key from Kanda to put the key into the key hole and opening the door. The doors appearance changing to clouds, rainbows and other things as I pushed it open. "Are you coming? This is the first room, exorcists...and sub-human."

I wondered into the room before all of them as they slowly followed me, the area was obviously Skin's. The room had hundreds of stone piles; dark sand covered the ground and stars shined in the dark sky. I grinned ear to ear as I ran in the direction I sensed Skin in, pulling out a lollipop I had stashed in my pocket that I got from Road earlier on. I gave him the sweet as the exorcists finally got to the area we were in; Skin chuckled as he grinned at the exorcists.

"He's mine." Kanda walked slightly forward as the others jaws nearly hit the floor. They started to argue and bicker, my eye brow twitched as Skin shouted. "Will you people please stop bickering!"

Skin morphed into his full Noah form, so he was wearing something akin to golden armour with spikes. "Good luck Kanda.... You are going to need it and Skin don't let your anger get the better of you."

"Exorcists and Sub-human move onto the next room now!" Walking in the direction of the next room as the others walk are behind me, a slight frown on my face as we walk down the long halls.

Slowing down my pace as tears flowed freely down my cheeks, the exorcists and sub-human walked in front of me as I mumbled, Lenalee the only one hearing me. "Goodbye Skin....Your anger got the best of you..."

My hands shook as I wiped the tears away; choking back the sobs that that threatened to leave my lips. I nearly jumped back when I felt someone touch my cheek; I looked up with my eyes narrowed to see Lenalee and the others looking at me. "Why you crying?"

"Both Exorcist and Noah took each other out... Noah is crying...for fallen brother" Tears rolled down my cheeks as Chaoji cheered for the down falling of Skin causing me to use my powers to make the floor crack around me, the exorcists all jumped back and my eyes to flash a murderous gold.

"SHUT UP! Don't You Dare Cheer For My Brother's Death, Sub-Human!" This caused Chaoji to go pale and fall dead silent as I stormed off in front of them, the hall beginning to fall apart behind me as I sprinted to the next entrance, the others doing the same but with Kory's help.

I leaned against one of the bookshelves as the Exorcists stumbled into the room. Fits of giggles and snickering met my ears as the Twins jumped from the pillar they were on and grinned at the exorcists. "Hello Exorcists. I'm Devit..."

"I'm Jasdero," The blonde, Jasdero said as he fiddled with his golden gun and then shouted with his brother at the same time. "And together we make Jasdevi! Heehee!"

Lavi leant over to Lenalee and mumbled. "These two are weirdest ones I've seen yet... And for a second I thought the blonde was a girl until he spoke...."

I chuckled as I held in my laughter at Lavi's comment; I bit my lip as the Twins looked at me. "Hey lil' bro. Why you with the exorcists?"

"Just watching them either die or just tire themselves out... I'm on the side lines with this little game you guys are all playing." I walked over to the twins and jumped onto of the pillar, sitting there and watching them.

"Also, kill the human first. He was happy Sweet-tooth died.... Oh, Exorcists....Beware their guns. Lero, Come Here!" I leaned back slightly on my hands as the Twins pointed their guns at Chaoji, snickering.

"Bye-bye Human, Heehee!~" The sang together as they pulled the trigger on their guns firing 'Burning Red Planet' at Chaoji who tried to run but disappeared from sight when the fire ball disappeared.

A/N:.....Hello.....I Have Nothing Really To Say...... Please Comment....

KillerAkuma Destroying Her Way Outer Here~

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