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So, let me fill you on what's going on.

My names Elizabeth or El and my friends call me, I'm 17, well 18 in two months, I live  with my older sister, Lydia, who happens to be 19. We both born in Australia, lived there until I was 13, then we moved to England with my whole family, at 15, me and my sister left to live with our Aunt, who lived in London, closer to our schools. Our aunt, left us for her boyfriend. Me and my sister took all the money, and brought a small flat.
Where we now live together.

Lydia, is drop dead beautiful, she short and she's got short golden blonde hair,  bright blue eyes, pale skin, she thin, and got really good curves. Like the best boobs and butt I've ever seen.

As for me, I'm just ordinary, got brown eyes, long brown hair, olive skin, I'm tall for my age 5'9, the only thing I actually like about me appearance is i have the same size curves as Lydia, some butt and boobs luckily.

We both came from different dads, mum married Lydia's farther Mark, but while she was off on a camping trip had a fling, mum kept on saying that I was marks, but at birth it's clear I wasn't, God I'm the only one in my family, who isn't pale, isn't blonde, isn't blue eyes, and really the only one who isn't attractive.

Mark lost it, left mum for five years, then came back, saying he couldn't live without her, mum told me to treat Mark like a real dad, but I couldn't, he always tried to treat me like his own, but there were clear gaps, I hated him, and still do.

I have two younger siblings twins, Pepper and Clay. They would be around what 7 now.

Anyway my life's pretty ordinary, Lydia is my best friend, and I'm hers, we do everything together, even though we have very different personalities.

Anyway back to the real story, it all started at a night club, a night club I was dragged along too by Lydia, I shudder to think what live would be like if I hadn't gone. It was our cousins nightclub, and we had both promised to go, Lydia dressed me on that night. I was in a tight, white, short, ugly dress, that would probably even be too short and inappropriate for a stripper. I had my face caked with make up, and Lydia was actually happy to leave the house with me for once.

Now there is three things I should probably tell you before I continue, 1. I'm the clumsiest person in the world, and even walking I could trip, 2. I don't have a filter, I'd something comes into my head I'll say it. 3. I hate being insulted, like if someone says something rude or mean to me, it take it as if my own mother had.

Here is my story, I guess.

" wow" I breathed as I walked in through the Door, neon light blaring across at every angle, pitch black the rest of the room, the bar was bright pink and swarming with people, and finally on a huge platform was a DJ, crowed with young girls.

" come on, let's go see Sam " Lydia said pointing to the boy laughing crazily.

I was dragged along, through people, either, kissing, humming, dancing, grinding or arguing, it was clear, no one was sober.

" girls " sam screaming jumping up, and hugging us both,

" I've got some people you should meet " he said his eyes wide, almost like they were going to fall out, Lydia and I eyed each other before, I nodded swiftly. We followed the boy, until we came to the VIP section.  Sam  was only 35, and was rich as hell, he knew everyone and everyone knew he nightclub.

" Niall, Harry, Liam how are you" Sam asked, happily,

" alright"  

" yeah nice place "

" could use seem more drinks"  they all answered, and it was only after they spoke I relived who they were, I was shocked, frozen, I looked at Lydia who had her mouth open and looked like she could scream. It was then that, one boy the curly haired, got up, with his ringing phone in his hand,

" sorry, got to take this, ladies" he nodded passing us, and I felt ill.

" anyway, I'd like you too meet, Lydia and her sister El, my cousins " he introduced us,

" hello " they both said standing up, though one was defiantly more enthusiastic than the other

" I thought that you'd really enjoy getting to knowing them" Sam said turning to leave, as we both went wide-eyed,

" I was going to get a drink, would you like one" the Irish boy asked Lydia, and she nodded eagerly 

Swiftly he took her hand, and left me standing there alone, I suddenly felt awkward, and unwanted, this other boy, didn't show any attention but knew I was still there,

" sorry what's name again" he asks obliviously trying to make this easier, I could see he had no interest in me at all,

" sorry, I didn't know he was going to do that, I'm just going to go" I said still in shock, but it happened a lot, next to Lydia I was like dirt,

" thanks " he mumbled pulling out his phone as I left. I started to walk through the crowed, when I fell, rolling my eyes, I began to push myself up off the ground, but that was when I heard there conversation,

" sorry, Lou isn't coming, what happened to the girls?" The boy who first left said returning, I couldn't help but stay on the ground, wanting to here his response,

" one went off with Niall, I sorta sent the other away" he said casually,

" why"

" God, didn't you see her dress, and her face was caked " he said suddenly turning sour,

" really, Liam learn to look past that, she looked like a real good time, I happened to like the dress, has an amazing rack " the other said, and I had heard enough.

Swiftly I got up, I turned around, just so that they could see I had heard, and walked out. It really wouldn't matter if I went home now, I'd shown my face, I would text Lydia. Party's weren't my thing, and I had work in the morning.

The words he said, Liam said kept on replaying in my head over and over again, I felt like I had been kicked in the gut.

I walked quickly, I was cold, sad, and alone. The flat building was one another minute or so away. It was lucky we lived in town, so close to everything, I felt people stare as I picked up my pace, holding my arms in front as I felt like I could fall at any moment and would need something to brake my fall.

In no time, I was sneering the doors, " not a good night" tony asked, the door guy, and I laughed half heartedly

" parties will never be my seen" I called over my shoulder jumping into the elevator,

Getting out, I walked forward, 39 was directly in front. I pulled my eyes out of my bra, and slid then in. Motionless, I walked to the bed room, and grabbed a part of tightens, and a crop. Changing, I grabbed a tub of ice-cream, my laptop and a movie

" this is much better, no rude judgemental boys"

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