Chapter 12

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                                                 Chapter 12

They woke as they fell asleep in each other’s arms. Chrissy couldn’t remember feeling so rested or relaxed. She looked up at Nicolas and saw that he was just as relaxed so she closed her eyes to keep the moment a while longer. Nicolas seemed to realise this and kissed her on the top of her head in appreciation.

Eventually they had to make a move and Nicolas reluctantly left his mate and returned to his room to shower and dress for the day. Chrissy on the other hand had been fine while Nicolas was there but when he left she tried to sit up she suddenly felt nauseous. Gilbert had been bringing her tea and crackers the past few mornings and she always got up feeling fine.

She concentrated on her breathing before getting up and barely made it to the bathroom before she threw up. When she was done she sat on the tile floor panting until she was able to get to her feet. She rinsed out her mouth then brushed her teeth before stripping off and getting under the shower.

Chrissy didn’t go down for breakfast and when Nicolas knocked on her door she opened it a little warily, “I’m fine Nicky, just not hungry is all. I’ll have something before I go to the nursery I’m sure Gilbert won’t mind.”

Nicolas pulled her into his arms, “I’m certain he won’t mind. But there is something I would ask of you?” Chrissy looked up at curiously, “You are the only person living or dead to call me Nicky,” she tried not to grin at him, “I have a reputation to uphold but somehow having a group of Enforcers follow the lead of a someone called Nicky…”

She couldn’t help it she started to giggle, “So is it okay if I call you Nicky when we’re alone?”

“Most definitely!” then he leant down and kissed until she was a little giddy. “If you need me throughout the day call to me or touch my mind. It will settle us both and help us stay calm and focused.”

She nodded, “Okay. Have a good day Nicky.”

When Chrissy finally came down stairs, Gilbert fixed her a light breakfast and she thanked him as she stepped out onto the back porch. Her thoughts went to Christian; I can feel you nearby Christian. I’m ready to go to the nursery; you can join me if you like.

He did indeed join her and even though they didn’t speak she sensed that he was okay with what had happened. As they walked along she nudged him in the side with her elbow and he moved closer so she could lean in to him as friends sometimes do.

When they reached the nursery Christian veered off, I won’t be too far away if you need me, although it might help things if you call on your mate first.

Chrissy heard him laugh in her head; Smart arse! she grinned then opened the door to the nursery and was careful to make sure it was closed behind her. She didn’t want any of the little ones to sneak out.


Chrissy spent several hours each day at the nursery helping out with the toddlers, reading to them, supervising in the outside play area and comforting them if they were hurt or just needed a hug. The first time she saw one of the little ones shift her legs gave out and she fell in a heap on the floor grateful that she wasn’t holding one of the babies.

She had thought it would frighten her but it amazed her that anyone could be human one minute and in the next be walking on all fours and covered in fur. She was careful not to approach when she thought a child was going to shift and she’d wait for them to come to her before she’d touch them. The first time she pet one of the children she found tears running down her face.

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