Chapter Thirteen

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Richard's laughter woke her up from the sleep that had claimed her as she had relaxed. She stood quickly, turning red with embarrassment as she smoothed out her dress.

"Sorry about that." she said quickly. "These days it seems like any time I sit down for a few moments I end up sound asleep."

"That's quite alright, ma'am." Richard replied. "I'm sorry I was late." Catherine saw the way he seemed to be standing awkwardly to keep his weight off his right leg.

"Are you ok?" she asked. He nodded.

"Of course." he replied. Catherine raised an eyebrow and he could tell she didn't believe him. He sighed.

"I ran into some trouble. Bullet grazed my leg but I'm fine."

"Bullet grazed your leg but you're fine?" Catherine asked her voice full of disbelief. He nodded.

"Yep." he said.

"Did you go see the doctor?" she asked. He shook his head and chuckled.

"Catherine, if I went to old doc Hawke every time I got shot chasing after bad guys he wouldn't have no time to patch up anybody else." Catherine shook her head as she looked at him.

"You are quite a man, you know that?" she asked. He smiled and laid his hand on her cheek.

"Coming from you that means a lot." he replied. Catherine looked up into his blue eyes and she could see his feelings for her shining back out of them. She tried to will her body into feeling something for him. She wanted to feel her blood heat or her heart beat faster. She wanted to feel like she was in a cloud the way Emmett had always made her feel but she just could not.

"Richard…" she said uncertainly. Richard sighed and pulled his hand away from her.

"I know." he said. Then he shrugged.

"So you still wanting to go to that dance? I passed Bianca and Edward on my way out here so we still got plenty of time to get there and enjoy ourselves."

"Are you sure you want to?" she asked. "Doesn't your leg hurt?" He shook his head.

"I told you I was fine." he promised. She smiled.

"Let's go then." she said. Richard held his arm out for her.

"Well come on then, Cat. Your chariot is out there waiting." Catherine's heart stopped beating at his words. An image of Emmett came into her mind so clear and sharp it was like he was the one standing before her. He had his arm held out and was saying 'Your chariot awaits my lady' with a charming smile on his face. It was his voice calling her Cat the way his was the only voice she'd ever heard call her by that name.

She felt tears begin to pour down her cheeks. She quickly turned on her heel and ran from Richard. She ran up the stairs to her room and locked the door behind her. She curled up in a ball on her bed and cried.

Richard looked at the space in the living room where she had just been standing seconds before feeling more confused than he'd ever felt before. He didn't know what he had said or done to cause such a reaction from her but he knew there was no way he was going to find out by standing here. He went up to her room and knocked on the locked door.

"Catherine, let me in." he said. There was no response. He shook his head. "Catherine, I'm an officer of the law you don't have a choice but to let me in." Still there was no response. "Ok fine but you made me do this." he said and he took several steps back. He kicked his foot out hard sending the door flying open.

Catherine jumped up and screamed with a mixture of shock and fear when he came bursting into her room.

"What are you doing!" she demanded. He looked back at the broken door hanging on it's hinges and then back at her with a shrug.

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