~west mono st. pt 2-2~

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As we approach west mono st. Its been quiet ever since snowflake you know..... Umm yeah but she is just so calm and like its normal for her it brings back memories that I was hoping wouldn't reserface.


"Tess nice work today you got john and digs today that's great." Giermo says with a big smirk. By now this is like the 17th person I've killed I feel disgusting I can't do this anymore I can't sit here and do his biding I have to get out I have to talk to jupiter.

Jupiter is a friend I have made here and the love of my life I don't know why she's here actually but I don't need to know. I trust her she trusts me. When I get back to my apartment giermo set up for me Jupiter knocks on my window twice I disable the cameras and put them on a loop of me watching tv. I open the window and hug her I tell her I want out.

"I want to escape today I realized the blood on my hands weren't just from one person multiple people and all because of some threat towards my family I can't do this anymore."

"I understand and I'm going to help you escape just trust me tomorrow be ready to run."

"I love you so much jupiter."

"I love you too."

The next day she came into our base as always went into giermo' office then she came out nods her head at me I run I turn around and reach my hand for her to come she reaches for my hand before the door shuts then boom giermo' office is blown to peices and I watch the love of my life get sucked up by the flames.

End of flashback

My thoughts get interrupted when I see him I scream for isabelle to stop the car and that I see him as soon as we pull up giermo hops on the back of the truck and tells the man to drive we hurry along after them.

Its been two days now of non stop driving but as giermo turns this last corner some jerk gets in front of us and we miss the exit. we decide to go to a place were we can eat we find a Denys near by we get some food and as we eat we talk but no more that Isabelle all she talks about is how she wants to beat giermo to a pulp.

When we finish eating Isabelle hops out of her seat and heads to the car gesturing with her hand for us to come with her then .I think. She's cut when she's determined.
She hops into the car and tells us she knows were he's going.
Then my hopes grow high I whisper to myself "I'm coming for you."

Isabelle POV

Were so close, so close to the destination. I can feel it but I wish we weren't driving I should have thought this through more maybe I could have told them my dad was rich and that we have our own jet oh well its to late but I can't wait until he finishes what he started. I just hope he's forgotten me I don't want those memories back even though it was a scam we didn't need him anymore but still I have a feeling in my gut I just can't shake it I don't like it, what is it called? Whatever I just have to get business done.

I hope you guys like the new cover!
601 words its a new record!

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