Brutal Tips On Breaking Into Comics

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When I am talking to people about breaking in, I am honest, but I try to be kind, and polite, and patient. I try to find positive things to say. The problem is, and I'm sure everyone who has reviewed a portfolio knows what I'm saying, that that's not what someone who REALLY wants to break in and has the stuff to make it happen needs to hear. They need to hear the truth. So, I'm going to give some truth tonight. A lot of this, you should already know. I am not going to talk about craft or format or anything like that. That material is out there. If you want to do this right, find it, study it, buy the books, do the research. I'm going to assume for this discussion that you have the baseline talent level required to make it in. I'm also assuming for this discussion that you want to work at one of the larger publishers. That may not be the case for you, but it's what I get asked about the most.

I want to make this very clear...I'm not presenting points for an argument, I'm not offering an opportunity to present excuses. No one can fix whatever roadblocks are in your way but yourself. Telling me about it doesn't help anything. If you want my advice, which you are then free to ignore, just listen, let it sink in, and then do with it what you will. I'm trying to help, but how seriously you take it is up to you.

I am going to say some things that will make some aspiring creators unhappy. It will be uncomfortable. Again, it's your choice to listen. Simply put, there's a lot of polite stuff out there. There's a lot of books on craft and blogs with scripts you can study. Partake of that stuff.

This is more to kick your ass. It is SOLELY intended to help you get to a position to work on comics. What you make of that chance is up to you entirely.

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