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"You look even better standing next to each other." My mom told us as we entered the kitchen.
"Stop." I told her
" so August I never got to ask you but where did you meet holiday?" My dad asked
" well we kinda just bumped into each other and from there we just hit it off you know." He told him causally.
" aww how cute ." My sister said
" well how bout let the girls chat in the kitchen and us men go out back ." My dad said
"Alright." August and my sister fiancé said walking away with my dad.
" sooo.. Where did you find that one?" My mom asked
" you know .., around ." I told her
" well he's very hot ." My sister said
" yeah he is , I didn't imagine him to look like that." My mom added
" look like what?" I asked
"Tough thuggish , i mean he very handsome , I guess I'm just use to you dating the preppy type , you know like you did in highschool ." She told me
"Well ,. I decided to do something new." I told her
"More like do someone new." My sister said laughing
"OMG shut up!" I said

August Pov
So August , what made you want to marry my daughter?" He asked me while walking to this little safe like thing outside on the side of the house ,
" well , she different from all the other women I have dated in my life time." I told him
" how so?" He asked
" uh well.. She's you know , she's determined. When she wants something get make sure she gets it and she just caring , likes to keep people happy , even if she has to spend 2,000." I said mumbling the last part
"Even if she what?" He asked
"Oh nothing I was just thinking about something." I told him
"So jake you ever shot a gun before?" He asked the other dude.
"No sir I haven't." He responded
"August, what about you ?" He said Turing to me
"Uhh.. No sir." I lied
"Well today is your lucky day. I figure as men we go out back and let off a couple of rounds. What do you guys say?" He asked
Me and Jake both looked at each other like wtf is about to happen to us.
I shrugged it off.
"Yea, sounds fun." I told him
We followed him to the back back of his house , mofos living large. We got to a field that had different type of targets set up and stuff.
"Alright , pick your weapon fellas." He told us
I was in so much aww , I never seen something more beautiful. I tried to hide my excitement. I picked a gun while jake looked like he was about to faint.
"Yo you good my g?" I asked him
"Man, it's just so beautiful." He said fake wiping a tear.
I laughed.
"Alright since it looks like we all gon be a big happy family , as my sons in law I expect you two to protect my angels by any means." He told us. He grabbed a gun and started shoot at the targets. It caught both me and jake off guard.
"What the hell?!" Jake said jumping
"Man , this nigga crazy."I thought to myself.
"Jake your turn." He called out
He started shooting. For someone who claims he ain't never shot a gun he shoot pretty good. I feel like I ain't the only nigga lying in this bitch.
"August !" Get up here boy !" He said to me
I cocked the gun and I forgot where I was and I started shoot. All head shots bitch. On the last shot I shot on the leg to make him think I wasn't good or something idk.
"Well ill be damn. Thought you said you never shoot a gun." He asked looking confused
"Uhh.. I guess it was beginners luck." I told him sitting the gun down
"Beginners luck my ass nigga." Jake mumbled to me
"You should be the one to talk." I told him
"Here . Yall can keep these as souvenirs." He told is handing the papers to us.
"Come on , let's see how far the ladies got in the kitchen."he told us walking back

We walked in to see them dancing and singing . Holiday and Meghan were pretending to ball room dance while their mom singed. I smiled and laughed to myself.
"Nobody was gon invite us to the dance party." Mr. Blu said
" No." Meghan told him
I walked over to holiday . Practicing for our first dance I see." I told her
" something like that . How'd I do?" She asked smiled
"You alright."I joked
"But I think you should have had did a spin at the end them a dip." I told her grabbing her and demonstrating by spinning her and ending with a dip.
"Aww you guys are so cute." Meghan said
I think that made both of us feel awkward because we let go of each other smiling out of nervousness.
"So August are you excited about the family vacation next week." Mrs.Blu asked me
"Family what?" I asked confused
"The family vacation that were taking next week for the wedding it's kinda of like a couples marriage retreat but being engaged still counts." She told me
"Day you didn't tell him?" Meghan asked holiday
"Ehhh. No."she said stuffing food in her mouth
"Why Not?"he mom asked
"Because I forgot. Besides he can't come." She said quickly
"Why?"Meghan asked
"Because he's busy." She said
"Aww, well maybe next one."Meghan said
"Well. Actually..."I started off my sentence grinning at holiday
"I cancel two days ago because I just had this feeling this I would need to do something." I told
"Hell are you Psychic now." She mumbled toward me rolling her eyes
" Only for you luv." I grinned
" Then Its Settled." Her mom said
" August . Can I talk to you for a minute?" She said quietly to me
" why?" I asked
" look if you want this 2,000 I suggest you bring your ass in the damn hallway." She told me excusing herself from the table and walking away
" rude much ." I said getting up and excusing myself too and following

" Hell is wrong with you?!" She said once I came around the corner
" nothing , look this faking shit is hard work, a nigga could use a early vacation real quick. Beside I to you I don't like people talking for me, which you completely ignored that part I see." I told her
" uhh Well I forgot I'm sorry geez." She said
" as you should be luv , And I accept your apology, let's make it the last one tho." I said waking a
Back to the table.

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