chapter 2

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Let me tell you, running from 10 hyper wolves who have nothing better then chase me around is very tiring and terrifying. So far I have been running for an hour and I can't shake them of my tail. I haven't shifted yet because if I did they would know that I am a vampire and wolf, or cat. Whatever I shifted into. It helped a little because my vampire would not get tired as easily. It also didn't help because I am not full vampire. I'm only 1/4, I'm mostly cat. And therefore got me into the problem of me in a tree and 10 rouges trying to nip at my ankles.

I was trying to think of a way out of the tree. There was alot of trees around so maybe I could jump from tree to tree. Maybe I could lose them and be able to get away from the treetops. I start climbing up the tree more. I hear the wolves growling. I think they would be smart enough to shift and come get me, but I guess not. I finally get to the top of the tree. I can feel it sway underneath me. I starting to think that this wasn't a good idea.

I don't let it go to my head before I jump to the next tree. My legs give out when I land on the 50th tree I have jumped to. I lost the wolves around 10 trees ago, but wanted to make sure that they could follow me. I feel the branches slapping my face as I fall from the top of a 60 ft tree. I smooth out all my muscles and shift into lucy, like they say, cats alway land on there feet. But of course Tiny being the stupid cat she is goes straight in by her face. Faceplanting.

I start swearing at Tiny through our mindlink. She just whimpers. I force her to shift back and oh my gosh, my face hurts. Never again will I let Tiny handle a fall that big. Maybe 10 feet but not 60. Why was she stupid enough to put her face to the ground. I will never know where this cat gets her reasoning from.

I look at my body. It is covered in scratches, ranging from a inch to five inches long. There is a nasty scratch on my chest right above my left boob. I wince as I look at it,that might take sometime to heal. I check over the rest of my body. There is many welts from the branches and tender spots on my knees and elbows that I know will bruise. There is some random bruises too. The worst though is my nose. It is still gushing blood, I don't know what I should do. Maybe shift into my wolf and let it heal me. It will only stop the bleeding though because my wolf healing is very weak, but I have learned to live through it. My pack had taught many different things for the past years in my life.

I decide against shifting because it would hurt too much, I'm already in pain. I don't need anymore. I soon learned that I twisted my ankle while running. I didn't feel it earlier because if the adrenalin flowing through me. But as soon as it wore of my body ached and I couldn't walk. I was able to go another 10 minutes before I found a tree to stay in. It was alot more comfortable then the bed my pack gave me.

When I thought about it, it made me really sad. I was more comfortable in a hard bumby tree then the bed my pack had provided for me. I remember most nights how I would rather sleep on the floor then in my own bed. The bed they gave me had a metal headboard and a lumpy mattress that gave me aches in my back. I never knew how something so bad could be remembered like this. I remember it now as something that made me stronger.

My thoughts helped me realize I am strong. And nothing can break me. I am a new person, and I was not going to let anybody walk over me again. Because I am strong I can start new, nobody had to know what I had once been and nobody is ever going to find out.

Or so I thought.

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