Random AS Fudge

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So, today I've decided to write this diary/book thingy. Why? I honestly don't know, but I want to use it as a different way to relieve stress... If that makes any sense...

Again, I don't know what I want to use it as; maybe, I should just call it a journal. Not any journal, but "My Journal. A Step into the Life of Your Average (not so average) Teenage Girl."

No, I'm not your AVERAGE teenage girl, I'm psychic and I'm a tomboy. Add that together, and I look like the emo version of Harry Potter. I'm just kidding, but if you tell anyone I said that, I WILL kick your butt. I know where you live person! xD

Yes, I dress girly every now and then, but that's not my thing. I have the heart of a fighter and have been fighting ever since I was born. Constantly moving from one struggle through the next and is tiring as hell, ya know?

I take everything day by day in the hopes of it becoming easier, but it doesn't. It's what I like to call "The Black Struggle" or if you're white, "The White Struggle." In the famous words of Hitler, it's all about "Mein Kampf" a.k.a. "My Struggle," when translated from German to English.

I see myself as a lover of life and all things beautiful along with the simple pleasures that it may create, not an opressor of man that hates the very essence of life itself.

The funny thing about it is that I appreciate life, but not my own. Sometimes, it feels as if my life has no purpose. I know, it sounds stupid, but it is stupidly true.

Perhaps, I have been pre-destined for stardom and just haven't realized it yet *SMH* the world and it's secrets.

By now, you may have thought "Is she babbling?"

Well YES, yes I am.

So far, I have written down everything as if flows through the gray matter I call a brain. Currently, my "inner self" is on system overload trying to write all of this crap and make my thoughts seem coherent on paper.

Trust me, it's work and I HATE anything that involves me and bodily movement. I prefer be a couch potato... Screw that, I'll eat the potato.

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