Inad: Hello today we have a dare from....emalf_lover
Everyone: Who is it for??
Inad: Satanick
Satanick: You called sweet cheeks.
Inad: Well this dare isn't so sweet,you have to be Emalf's pet for life!
Satanick: Whaaaaaaaaaaa!
Ivlis: hahah have fun with that one.
Emalf: It wont hurt.
Satanick: Really?
Emalf: What the eff, no!
Satanick: Waaaahhhh your so mean!
Reficul: If I were you I'd start preparing for the worst.
Satanick: *being drag away by Emalf* Heeelllpppp mmmeeee.
Inad: Wellllll...... that's that thanks for everything and lets all say goodbye everyone.
Satanick: OWWWWW IT HURTS!!!!