Chapter 17: It's A ....!

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                               ~~~~~~~~~~Luna's POV~~~~~~~~~~

I woke up the next morning, in Smarty's arms. I smiled, and then kind of gasped, which woke Smarty. "What's wrong, Luna?" Smarty asked. "I felt the Baby kick." I said. Then, the baby kicked a bunch of times. "I think we need to get you to the Hospital." Smarty said, getting his shoes on. I agreed, and got my shoes on, with difficulty. Smarty told everyone else about it, and we all got inside of the car, and Chilled drove us all to the Hospital. Me and Smarty already thought about names. If our Baby's a boy, he'll be named Ross. If our Baby's a girl, she'll be named Rose ((Couldn't think of any names X3)).

                           ~~~~~~~~~~Chilled's POV~~~~~~~~~~

Finally, we made it to the Hospital. We got out, and helped Luna there. I talked to the Receptionist, and we got a Wheelchair for Luna, which she sat in. We followed the Nurse, who took Luna to a Delivery Room. Ze and I sat together, as did Tom and GaLm. Smarty sat beside Luna, who was now on the Hospital Bed. It seemed like months pasted, when the doctor finally came into the room. "Alright, Mrs. Smarticus...Expecting a little one, I see!" The doctor said. "Yep." Luna said. "So, how long have you two been together?" The doctor asked Smarty. "We've been together for 2 years, and we got married 6 months ago." Smarty said, holding Luna's hand. "Well, congrats." The Doctor said.

                            ~~~~~~~~~~Ze's POV~~~~~~~~~~

The Doctor was examining Luna when she screamed a bit. "I think she's going into labor!" Smarty said. "Her water broke!" The doctor said, calling in a Nurse. And, indeed it did. A Nurse ran in, and got ready for her orders. The Doctor positioned himself in front of Luna's Vagina, I guess. "now, when I say 'Push', push, alright?" The Doctor asked Luna, whom nodded. "Push!" The Doctor yelled, and Luna pushed, I think. All I know, is that Luna seemed really distressed.

                      ~~~~~~~~~~GaLm's POV~~~~~~~~~~

Tom, Ze, Chilled, and I left the room for a moment, because we all felt really awkward in there. "Welp, now we know what it looks like when a woman goes in labor..." Chilled said. "Yea, I don't think I should've seen that." I said. That mentally scarred us all, I'm pretty sure. "So, what do you guys think the Baby's gonna be?" Tom asked, after a long period of silence. "I think it's gonna be a girl!" I said, with Ze agreeing. "I'm thinking it's gonna be a boy, to be honest." Chilled said. "Well, either way, the child will still be part of these Derpy family!" Tom said.

                  ~~~~~~~~~~Tom's POV~~~~~~~~~~

Soon, the Doctor came to us, and we walked back into the room, to see Smarty, next to Luna, who was holding a Blue Blanket. "It's a Boy...!" Luna said. She must be exhausted. We gathered around Luna, and saw the beautiful, Baby Boy in her arms. I couldn't help, but smile. "He's so tiny!" Ze said, smiling. Oh, god....he's having a fanboy moment. We all got the chance to hold the Baby, and, after Smarty held him, the Baby went back to Luna. "So, what're you gonna name this little Italian?" Chilled asked. "Ross." Smarty and Luna said at the same time. "Congrats, you two." The Doctor said, with a smile.

               ~~~~~~~~~~Smarty's POV~~~~~~~~~~

We all took a picture with Ross, and put it up on Twitter, Facebook, and showed the picture to our friends and family. Almost immediately, notifications were going insane, many people were congratulating Luna and I, talking about how Chilled was a Godfather, and other stuff. Our friends and family congratulated us, along with many other YouTubers. I can't believe I'm a father...I'm so happy.

((Well, I'm going to leave this chapter here! Hope you guys liked it! Sorry, I know it's shorter than usual, but, I have an idea for the next chapter, which will be the last of this story. If you understand where the name 'Ross' is from, then you'll get an idea of what the next chapter's gonna be on. Welp, see ya guys later! ^-^))

She Fell For a Derp [TehSmarty X Avan]Where stories live. Discover now