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T.V. On:

"Now, why don't we welcome our very pretty guest, Scarlett!" Loud cheering is heard. And a very excited looking girl stepped forward. 

"Well, the ratings don't lie! You really are the most gorgeous teenage girl model I have ever laid eyes on!" The girl giggled, blushing a little bit.

"Thank you!"

"For you folks who don't know, Scarlett is the girl who won the 'Prettiest Female Teen Model' contest, earning the right to show up on T.V.!!" The girl smiled sweetly, resulting in more loud cheering and clapping.

"Well we will get started! So, Scarlett, how did you feel when you found out that you won the..."

Time Skip

"Okay, I know that you must be getting a little tired, but we have a few more questions from the audience!" The girl laughed slightly, shaking her head as if saying that she wasn't tired at all.

"Please, go on." 

"The question is," he took out a piece of paper, "how do you maintain such a pale and creamy skin tone?" The model's smile momentarily faltered, and she hesitated before replying.

"I'm quite sorry, but that's me little secret as a model! Shh!" She put a finger to her lips, slightly cocking her head to the side, smiling. The crowd cheered wildly, not even caring that she had avoided the question. When the cheering finally subsided, the show continued.

"So, Scarlett, isn't this the year you become a high schooler? With looks of yours and such a smart brain, I'll bet you could get into any school you wished!"

"Oh, no. I will just be attending my neighborhood's public school. I wouldn't dream of leaving my friends behind!" With the last line, the young girl grinned widely, ending the show in a very happy note.

A few hours later:

"Well, let us now welcome our very handsome guest, Spring!" Loud cheering was heard, not failing in comparison with the previous show. A tall boy walked onto the platform with one hand behind his neck as if to ask what the commotion was about.

"The ratings don't lie in this one too! I'll bet all the guys out there are really jealous right now with looks like yours!" The boy smirked cockily.

"Well, what can I say?" The crowd laughed good-naturedly at the boy's comment.

"Along side with Scarlett's competition, a very similar one was also being held. This young model, Spring is the winner of 'Hottest Male Teen Model' contest!'" 

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 16, 2015 ⏰

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