The Sorting and the Feast

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A/N: Hey potterheads, I'm so so so sorry that I've took like 6 months to write a new chapter, but I've had a pretty shit home-life right now and  I've just not had enough time for anything... sorry again. Also, if you're wondering, Dae is pronounced Day. Just thought I'd put that in there :)

"This is Fred and George, Hagrid." Dae said, signalling to her newfound friends.

"Hi!" The boys said in unison, and gave Hagrid two identical toothy grins.

"I met them on the train, they want to be in Gryffindor too. Imagine that! If we all get into Gryffindor!" Dae grinned, then grabbed the twin's hands with hers, "Come on, I'll show you where the boats are."

The twins had about two seconds to give eachother slightly scared glances before they were yanked across the gravelly path towards a huge lake, with about twenty boats floating near the bay. "Woah." they gasped, and followed the gaze upwards to a grand castle.

Dae sighed happily as she looked across the lake to her home, "If you think it's nice out here, I'm not really sure how you'll react inside." Faint? she silently thought to herself, then giggled slightly. "Hagrid! Can we get in please?" she turned her head to look at the half-giant.

"Yeh, jus' be careful yeh don' fall in. The squid won' like it." Hagrid pulled a face, and then bellowed, "All first' years over 'ere!" A ripple went through the crowd of students, and one by one, young boys and girls emerged from the crowd and came to stand by Hagrid. "Aight, ever'one get on the boats, just don' fall in. Oh, and five to a boat."

Dae Louise, George and Fred all got in the middle boat, the one with the lamp, and squeezed to the sides as Hagrid got in. "So where's yer Da?" He asked Dae.

"Oh, he's apparating to the gates so that he's in time for the ceremony."

Hagrid smiled, "I'll bet he wants yer to be in Gryffindor. Yer mam was in it."

"I know." Dae sighed, "I wish I had met her."

Hagrid clapped her on the shoulder, "Don' you worry, today's for bein' happy."

Fred and George glanced at each other, then George asked, "You don't know your mum?" his expression quizzical.

Dae shook her head, her red hair falling over her shoulders, "No, she left me with my daddy when I was a few days old. I know her name, but that's about it."

"What's her name?" the twins asked in unison.

"Lily." Dae shrugged. "Daddy said she died when I was nearly three. My mum and dad were best friends since they were nine and grew up in Hogwarts together." Dae smiled this time, "I've lived here all my life, except for the summer holidays when I have to go back to London with daddy."

"I'd love to have lived here as a kid." Fred said, and gazed at the castle again.

Dae smiled at the twin brothers, then glanced at the girl who had sat next to her in the boat. She had curly black hair, a pale complexion and bright blue eyes. "Hi."

The girl turned her head to Dae and nibbled on her bottom lip, "Oh, um, hello."

"I'm Dae, what's your name?" she held out her hand to the girl.

"C-Courtney." Courtney tentatively shook Dae's hand, before tucking it hastily under her robe.

Dae frowned at Courtney, then tapped Hagrids arm, "Are we going yet?"

"Huh? Oh, oh yeah. Forward!" The boats suddenly jolted, then glided forwards across the lake, towards the school.


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