Top of the hill

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"Why, why didn't you tell us" my mother says getting up from the log.
"Tell you what" Jeremy asks.
"That your Peter Pan" my mother says.
"Well is that a bad thing" he says with a smirk.
"What do you think" my father says.
"Judging by your tone that's bad" he says raising his eyebrows then going back to serious.
"Well, all of the stories we heard said that Peter Pan is bad and we believed them, we just never thought it would be you" my mother says putting her hands on his shoulders, but he just steps back knocking her hands off his shoulders.
"You thought is was bad, let me show what's bad" he says walking over to me his face is serious, he holds his hand out by my chest, he hesitates.
"What are you doing" I ask worried.
"Showing them what's bad" he says digging his hand in then pulling out my heart, searing pain is left where my heart once was. I stare in awe as he walks back over to face them holding my heart in their face, he then squeezes it. I clutch my chest in pain and look up at his face, he stops squeezing my heart and puts it back in my chest. I gasp for air as my pulse returns to my body, my mother runs over to me helping me up.
"Are you ok" she asks.
"I'm fine" I say out of breath.
"Go, go back to your Neverland" my dad says dismissing him.
"I will" he says flying off into the sky, I run over to Alex's limp dead body and stare his face. He was the first friend who would rescue something for me or wait or even listen to me and now he's gone. Tears stream down my face as I lay my head in his chest, every thing feels like it's going in slow motion. I slowly stand up and out of anger and sadness, I make the biggest ball of shadow and launch it into the sky. The trees crack and the water crashes onto the shore as the strong wind blows, lightings streaks across the sky and the thunder roars in my ears. I hold my hand out towards the sky and I flick my wrist, rain and hail fall from the sky stinging my skin. I turn around to face my parents who are just standing there in the cold rain, Jess runs up behind me and looks at Alex's body hand over her mouth. The storm that I made stops and I lay my head back down on his chest sobbing making his plaid shirt wet, Jess puts her hand on my shoulder, then takes her hand off.
"I understand how you feel" my mother says, I get back up and giver her a glare.
"No you don't, he was the first friend that appreciated what I am and actually did something for me" I say through sobs.
"I understand, we understand what it's like to lose a trusted friend" my father says.
"No, you don't, out of all the time we spent together, he was there for me, and you weren't, every time I would come home crying you wouldn't even look at me, you would just stand there and when I fell into that whole you never left your house I couldn't even fly yet but you just left me there to die but on my 15th birthday you noticed me and started to care for me, out of the 2,000 years we were separated I never forgot about what you did to me" I say as the last of my tears roll down my face.
"Wait, how are old are you" Jess asks.
"I'm 2,567 years old" I say as look of extreme shock comes over her face.
"Really, because you look like your 20 years old" she says shifting her feet.
"I know, it really is not fun to live this long, to lose the ones you love, to see people get killed before your eyes, to have the weight of the ones you've killed" I say.
"You've killed people" Jess asks.
"Ya, I know I look like the kind of person who wouldn't hurt anyone" I say.
"We should go" Jess says, I nod my head and pick up Alex's body and walk into the forest. They follow me picking flowers and rocks, on the top of the hill is the perfect place to barry him. I set him down on the grass, my father waves his hand over the spot and a rectangular hole appears with a coffin. I carefully set him in covering him up with the lid, I feel the tears threaten to come but I blink them back. I push the dirt over the coffin, I smooth out the dirt as Jess and my mother lay the flowers over the grave. My father surrounds the grave with rocks, I get up and lean my head on my fathers shoulder.
Flash back
"Now don't forget on your way back to pick your favorite flower that you see" I say bending over to kiss the top of my daughters head.
"Forgetting someone" Jacob says.
"Now how could I forget the little pirate" I say jokingly as my son gives me hug.
"I found this rock, it reminded me of you" he says holding his small hand, I pick up the sparkly rock and give him a smile and a kiss on the cheek in return. He turns around and runs over taking his sisters hand, they skip out the door.
"We have the house to ourselves" I say getting up and walking over to face Jacob .
"Yes we do, I need to work on the farm, why don't you stay here and don't let the sun burn your skin" he says smiling.
"Ok, but don't be long" I say giving him a quick hug, he leaves out the back door to the crops. I hear a nock on the door so I answer it.
"Hello, is something wrong" I ask the guard from sent from the castle.
"We are looking for men healthy and able to fight in the war and this is the last stop for me to make, you have until tomorrow to say goodbye" he says turning around and walking back down the hill.
"Jacob" I yell from the back door.
"Yes, what is it, is something wrong" he asks running towards me, tears drip down my face.
"The guard came to our house, they want you to fight in the war" I say crying.
"Don't worry, I will make it home alive" he says pulling me into a hug, the front door opens, Sara and jack come running in huge smiles on their faces until they see the tears on mine. I walk over to them and place my hands on their shoulders.
"I'm so sorry this had to happen to you at a young age, the royal guard came today, they need your father to fight in the war" I say pulling them into a hug as tears stream from their eyes.
8 months later...
A nock on the door wakes me, I get up and answer the door.
"I'm sorry, but your husband was killed in the war, he fought bravely and often talked of his family, we cannot imagine how must feel, we hope your lives will continue to be good, here is the note" the guard says, I snatch it from his hand and close the door, I turn around to find both my children staring up me with tears soaking their face. I sit down on the floor and pull them into a long hug as their tears soak my dress.

She had a family, then the husband dies, that is sad!!!! I hope your enjoying the book so far, don't forget to comment or vote!!!!! Thanks for reading!

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