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Your POV

Breakfast was okay, I wasn't really a morning eater so I had some coffee and eggs. (A/N: I HATE EGGS! So I don't really know why I put that in there.) Thomas leaned over and whispered in my ear, "Dylan is looking at you."

"The point?" I whispered back.

"Maybe you should put some more clothes on so I can have you all to myself today." I playfully smacked his arm. Thank the Lord no one was watching us. Even though we only met yesterday it felt like you had know each other for years. "I want to show you something after breakfast." Thomas's breath on my ear sent chills down my spine.

"Please don't tell me that this is not going to be a murder mystery after today." I whispered back.

"For you or for me?" I laughed and Jamey started eyeing us so we stopped whispering. Breakfast ended and Thomas grabbed my hand. I didn't try to stop him, it felt right.

"Thomas?" I asked.


"You're holding my hand."

"Yes, I think I know that." Thomas led me outside, around back, then down a stone path. The path led to a wonderful flower garden. "Beautiful. Isn't it?" I nodded. Thomas let go of my hand and I immediately missed it. Wait, I just met the guy. How could I like him already? "So tell me about yourself." Thomas said.

"What do you wanna know?"


"I'm 17, love reading, and the beach. Now you."

"I'm 17, love ice cream, and acting."

"Have you ever played in anything?"

"Not anything you would know. Just small gigs in London." I nodded. "What is your favorite book?" The way he said book made my heart skip a beat. Who knew something so simple could make you feel that way.

"The Maze Runner by James Dashner." He nodded.

"Turn ons?"

"As in like sex turn ons or boyfriend turn ons?" He laughed.


"Boyfriend: sarcastic but not mean and someone who is truthful. Sex: neck kisses are hot." He raised an eyebrow. "Not that I would know. What about you?"

"Girlfriend: kind, truthful, sweet, headstrong, and loving. Sex: I don't really know." I nodded. "This might sound a bit odd but I feel like we have a connection. Like we instantly clicked. But that's stupid." Thomas was rubbing the back of his neck.

"Not really." We smiled at each other then instantly looked away. It was like middle school crushes, not wanting to look each other in the eye for long periods of time.


*time skip to two months later*

I awoke expecting Thomas to be there. He wasn't. I missed him like crazy but no way was I going to apologize first! That's the problem with two overly stubborn people get into fights, neither wants to say sorry first. He was my best friend. Even when we were in an argument he always texted me at 10:05pm saying 'Goodnight'. We had to figure this out! As I said earlier, I missed him like crazy! The way he would come up behind me and kiss my neck, the way he would always tell me I looked gorgeous even though I didn't, and last but definitely not least the way he slept with me, he always laid on his left and wrapped his right arm around me. (A/N: isn't that called spooning? I wasn't positive so I left it out.) We never gave the official word that we were dating but everyone knew that we had a very strong connection. I lugged myself out of bed and headed to the bathroom.


Thomas's POV

I reached the dining room and walked to my normal seat. "Good morning." Y/N smiled at me. I smiled back and returned the greeting. My phone buzzed with a text message. I pulled it out and read it. 'We need to talk.' It was from Y/N.

'After breakfast, back right corner of the computer room.'


'You look gorgeous.' She really did. Her hair was down, she wore a red band shirt, and blue skinny jeans. Instead of texting back she reached under the table and grabbed my hand. After breakfast I practically skipped steps to get to the computer room. Y/N had finished before me so she went up. I walked up and a couple of kids were playing on the computers. The joy of Saturdays. I walked to the back right corner and saw her. "Hey." I said.


"Look, I'm sorry." I did something that I regretted and I was truly sorry.

"It's fine, we were both caught in the moment. I'm sorry for being such a pain in the ass." I walked to her and pulled her in. She hugged back which made me feel better. I learned down and kissed her neck. "I miss this, I miss you."

"So did I, love, so did I."

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 16, 2015 ⏰

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