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Everything was quiet, as I was staring blankly at a clock as it ticked. my eyes would burn a deep red and I would not blink.motionlessly, waiting to here the next tick from the clock. I'm a ten year old who doesn't get out much or at all really I feel like my life Is sort of just a pattern the same thing happens everyday at the same time. Maybe it's because both of my parents are doctors, and everything they do has to do with their schedule leading to them not being around very often. Although it's unfair and selfish for me to think this but I feel like my parents are avoiding me. I feel left out because they would rather help them with their problems. I mean there so into their work they wear their uniform still at home, because they know they have to go back to work some short time later (I suppose). well there actually my guardians but I'm old enough now and I know that my parents have left me with them for good,I now think of them as parents. my biological parents left me  two months ago for reasons unknown although I have the feeling my parents know the reason why but just won't tell me. It took me a little while to get used to the fact they left me but I guess I just did. my parents get home at a certain time each day almost like they just treat me like their patients. My parents get back home today at 10:00 it's 9:30 now. I decided to go to bed early. so I started to get ready for bed. I took a quick shower and brushed my teeth same routine everyday the one thing I don't think I could forget as of now in my boring life.In the process of washing my face I had burnt my eyes with soap, my eyes were red and I saw myself staring back into myself with what now looked like pale skin and red eyes and scars all over. It frightened me but after washing my eyes out with water and looking back up at the mirror I didn't see myself at all,instead when I looked up I saw a woman and a man but they also had scars and bruises just more faded compared to mine,the woman was in a wheel chair and the man with a cast on his arm. But I didn't know who they were, they looked oddley familiar but I couldn't tell who from all the injurys they had. They stared back at me, they were pointing and crying I just stared back questingly which made them cry harder at this I gave up. my throat clinched up and tears began to form. At this moment I absolutley forgot about the gruesome image image of myself from only 10 seconds ago and I began asking myself why are they crying?why are they hurt? Are they crying because there hurt?. no that  didn't seem right. I realized I was talking to myself but at the same time I wasn't sure if I was or if i wasn't, my thoughts just might have been so loud it seemed that way. It felt if I talked nothing would come out.I Looked into the mirror again with a feeling of rush over me and smashed my hand at them... into the glass,now very close to sobbing I pass it off as a trick of the light or from the soap but I only thought that because I couldn't think of a logical explanation.After resting my eyes for awhile, still laying down I decided to look in the now cracked mirror. (Something or someone had told me too as to say,goodbye) The woman and man were still crying but this time with my parents standing next to them this brought back the feeling I had before and my throat started to hurt not allowing myself to cry. I felt if I did something bad would happen. the woman speaks to me though the glass and says something but I couldn't understand. she was crying to hard for me to understand her. The man speaks this time with the woman crying harder than ever now. he says"what your mother meant to say was we love you and we're sorry this has happened to you...to us. we know it's not fair but it's time for us to leave and time for you to go to a better place. it's for your own good"I stare back at them with tears forming in my eyes I was trying to put together all the things the man had said while my parents stare at me grimly and blankly with no sympathy for the crying man and woman next to them. before I had been able to understand what exactly was happening, my Father takes hold of a plug puts his head down and tugged. My first tear dropped and all the life was sucked out of me. the last words I heard was time of death 9:36

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 16, 2015 ⏰

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