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alices pov

iv been around half the block and theres nothing new that capturvates me iv also been around most of the houses just 4 more to go. just as im about to knock on the door to the next house i hear laughing out the back which sounds alot like afew teenage boys hahaha poor mother, here goes nothing and i knocked. A middle aged lady opens the door. "hello honey what can i do for you?" well she seems nice eenough "hi, my names alice williams i just moved here from texas with my family and we are  having a dinner tonight to get to know people around the block and would like to invite you and your family."

god thats a mouthful to say!!!  "sure we would love to come by the way im samantha dolan, its nice to meet you." where have i heared that name before 'dolan ' " nice to meet you two mrs dolan, the dinner starts at 7:30 so fell free to come anytime between 6:39-7" gosh why am i so nice. "sure will honey and please call me samantha." okay will do bye" and with that said u left 3 to go!
hello my fabulous lollypops
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love you all ♥

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 02, 2016 ⏰

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