Chapter 1 Acts 1-5

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Later in February before Valentine's Day, Antaeus finally gets a sorry gift for the mayor for f@$king his house up. He walks into town hall in middle of town and finds the mayor "Hey, Mr. Owl, I got you a gift, Its smells good, it taste good, it comes with medical aid stuff to help take care of a cut!" Antaeus said, (Antaeus gives gift, mayor takes it and opens it) "Its a raw peace of meat with two used BAN-AID's crossing on top, you think thats a gift?!" The mayor yelled. "Yeah, aah...N-no its...aaaa-th-the new MeatBoy toy, its so real looking, huh?!" Antaeus answered. "Nice, nice, nice....What I do, PLAY WITH IT." mayor said. Antaeus walks out and continues his day, meanwhile Fidget and Ginger play a little game they call "Lets be crazy and look for people from out of this world!" Antaeus was walking to their house they live in made from a half of a old bus, destroyed houses, and cars.

Antaeus knock and waits for two minutes, they finish playing, and now to ask whos at the door, Antaeus gets answered and see what they were doing, Fidget was wearing a little white hat from a doll and pink dress, also wearing a Cloud Booty diaper for some reason and Ginger had a pot on her head and at the same time said "what do want." Antaeus looked embarrassed for walking in on what they were doing and said "Ok, I only meet you once and I come for seconds and I see you two doing two girls, one cup crap and shit, WTF you two playing house, Oh! Wait, not Fidget though, she looks normal to me, YOUNG and Crazy...." Fidget pulling down her dress saying "sometime its fun to try something new and not right for you for once." Antaeus looked over behind Fidget to see the place a miss "Ok, three things you need to do now...One, Ginger grow up, you going to end up breaking your back and take that off you head, Two, Fidget...get something normal on, I didn't say take off the diaper but yeah." Antaeus told. "wait, why do you want me to keep it on?" Fidget replied. "because Im going to use you as a prop to pass throw Rome territory, and try not to get stopped because I don't look important, I need to go to the gas station to pick up my new bike! Your going to play as the baby, I did plan on you not knowing, but you still didn't know, but you are still all thickened out."Antaeus said. Fidget began to blush and Antaeus continued "And three, you need to clean up a little up in this joint." Ginger replied "Thats from?...I-I don't know." Antaeus answered "exactly, Fidget here (throws clean baby blue baby clothes and more diapers that where bigger than normal.) put that on and change that, it ain't big enough to beleave." Fidget asked "what is this even for?" Antaeus answered "So I can pass throw without people killing me, no one wants to find a child a new home, so they don't do anything to families." Fidget just gone with it, and gets ready. Antaeus pulls out a cigarette and lights it up until Ginger slaps him and takes the smoke and steps on it "Hey, what makes you think you can smoke in my house?" Ginger said. "Oh, Im in a house, I thought I was in a F@$kin bus stop!" Antaeus yelled with attitude.

Fidget is all ready and they get in a rental car Antaeus got and drive off to the Forrest. Fidget was all embarrassed because of how big the diaper was, Fidget asked "can I not do this, because I don't want to fly back home like this." Antaeus answered "what do mean?" Fidget replied "Its a motorcycle, its not a freckin car to where I can sit inside and hide, and if this doesn't workout, im going to make you wear a big diaper, and I'll hold a diaper bag to-" Antaeus interrupted "Ok, ok. Stop talking about the diaper, holy shit, I promise you I'll put one on and f@$kin walk in public, just stop making it more awkward then it has to be." Fidget replied "Thats more like a gentleman, you remind me of my good old friend Dust, he's a fox just like you and he holds his sword the same way you do." Antaeus said "Hey, I hope you not afraid of the dark because here a cave."

Two minutes later they make it to a stop and a guard that works for Lord Rome walks up to them and asks "Ok, I can't you here sir. This is restricted area, please turn back." Antaeus answered "Oh, where sorry, me and my daughter...Fid-Fidg-Fegot." the guard said "You daughters name is Fagot, Ok, but thats not a name that I would give to my kid. Can I hold her?" Fidget looked at Antaeus nodding her head no, But Antaeus had no choice and give the guard Fidget, Fidget was feared and blushed more. "Hmmm, she looks scared...." Antaeus said with fear "She's ok.." The guard started eye contact with Fidget and she wets herself in fear "OH SHIT, you kid just pissed on me, I think?....No, she didn't." Antaeus put his hand over his mouth and started laughing "You mind changing her, sir?" Fidget looked really embarrassed and put her paws over her face. "

Later at a bar remote from the forrest

Antaeus sat down for a drink and a lady named Nat asked "whats you drink Mr. Cloud?" Antaeus looks at her and said "What? Oh, give whatever." she said "Ok, margarita for his guy." Antaeus said "hey, I said a drink, not something gay asses hold to look even more gay."

Nat laughed and said "You funny, good thing I don't know you, so the first drink is on the house." Antaeus answered "I hate houses, their to big to take care of." Nat give hime his drink and he drank it and she said "Hey, we shouldnhang out more, Your name?" Antaeus answered "Antaeus, yours?" she answer "Nat, here call me." Antaeus said bye and walks out of bar to look down and see that he's pretty happy and yells "look, look, im in love! NO MORE masterbating!" someone random said "Good for you, now stop yelling that you got a boner! Dick.." Antaeus was pleased....

End of Act3

Antaeus Fall Of Elysium WattPad Special Chapter 1-3Where stories live. Discover now