The Noises from outside

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Brendon and I walked back to our rooms and talked about some major things about the school, and after we got in our PJ's and fell asleep

Brendon POV

I was sleeping comfortably when I heard loud noises coming from outside, I tried ignoring it and sleeping again but it won't stop each second it got even louder

So I decided to check it but by the time I grabbed my robe and was about to go out the room Sam woke up

"Don't" he said I was confused "why? Can't you hear the noises?" I asked stepping back in "don't check it if you something bad will happen to you" he said I sighed and was going back to bed when he spoke "Stefan,Nik,me and you will check it the two are already waiting by their rooms" he said standing up and grabbing his robe

And I was stock there dumbfounded, why are they even waiting for us there? Do they do this every night? Oh god I got my mind completely blown right now

"Don't try to speak loudly and tip toe to the elevator k?" Sam said as he closed the door I nodded and we tip toed to the elevator and we succeeded


"Where's Sam and Brendon they should be here like a few moments ago" Stefan said "chill bro they'll be here any moment" I said and we waited once more

And then we heard the elevator open signaling Sam and Brendon where here

We rushed over there quickly and they were standing there talking to each other

"Aren't you guys gonna come out?" Stefan asked they nodded and we walked through the halls

"Do you guys do this often?" Brendon asked we shook our heads "we just do it when we make new friends, we get initiation night" I said he nodded and we went to our hide out

"Get the candles,knife and cup" Stefan said as he got the table set up me and Sam got the things and settled it on the table

"Give me your hands Brendon" I said holding out mine he gave it with no hesitation and I cut a line on it he squirmed "ssh,this will only hurt once" I said and my fangs grew and bit on his hands and drank some of his blood and once the blood was gushing out continuously I left his hands above the cup and waited for it to be filled and removed it immediately before covering his hands

And after we cut our wrists and mixed our blood with Brendon's and made him drink it

"I'm gonna drink this?" He said pointing to the cup

"Yes now" Sam said Brendon nodded and gulped down some of the blood at first he was resisting but began to like it and he finished the whole cup

No one ever did that not even Sam and Stefan or me his the first one to finish the full cup

He then started to have a headache and collapsed on the floor

Brendon POV

"Guys what's happening?" I asked through gritted teeth cause of my headache

I could feel my teeth grow sharp and my senses being magnified

I can hear heart beats from a block away and I could hear talking and noises all around

And I could smell blood rushing through veins everywhere

And I started banking out until I had no heartbeat and was completely dead

Narrator's POV

So the boys layed Brendon's body in the couch and left him there to complete the transformation

And the next day they came back for him and he was still transforming so they waited and hour before he woke up

Brendon POV

I could feel myself slowly waking up and I heard loud talks,noises,and heartbeats from a block away

It hurted my head so I blocked it away and faded

I stood up and opened my eyes and saw the boys were there standing and watching in amusement, they gave a thumbs up don't know what for so I gave a small smile

And walked to the mirror

I could still see myself but I was completely different

I was pale as snow just like them,I had red hair instead of brown and blue eyes instead of my before dirty green eyes

I was completely different I was more mascular but just the right muscular and I was tall like them

Stefan POV

Brendon had finally woke up and was completely new like us and he was also strong like us but more since he finished the whole cup

We were all happy since we had a new friend that is like us and we spent all day teaching Brendon how his powers work and how he controls his speed, senses and thirst for blood

This was such an awesome day

So how was it? What needs to be changed? Did u all like it?

Please comment below what you thought about it and this story wasn't just all werewolf story it also has many more supernatural beings

So anyways hope y'all liked it please give a thumbs up and vote

Thanks for reading

Hugs and kisses from me X Red X

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