Chapter 1: Willem

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They place me into the Cloud Room once again. I think they finally realized I like it within its pillowy structure. I try to act my very best until I am allowed to reside within the plushy living space. They force me back into the loathsome Bright Room when I act badly for some time. I don't quite understand why the mangled creatures encourage me to misbehave.

The odd creatures wear long white fur that hangs around their knees. They pump their venom into my body with their thin silver claws, and they make me drink poison out of tiny paper buckets. The fluids make me both slow and groggy.

Though the creatures are plenty here I happened to befriend a generous angel. She soothes me with words of acidic ambrosia. She often caresses me with her loving fire, marking my limbs with raised and tender boils. She tells me these are symbols of my strength, and that by doing this to me she is showing me a great love.

The angel has very severe features, her nose being the most severe. It protrudes from her face much like a cliff from the face of a mountain. She has bright eyes that resemble emeralds which contrast greatly with her shimmering mane that matches the color of her loving flames. Her most beautiful quality is that she is covered in little brown stars.

Once she has gone for no more than twenty minutes a male creature arrived with a dainty female companion. "My boy, I must ask, are you alright?" the male's voice was gentle yet overpowering. I looked up at him only to find him glaring at my arms where new fluid filled bubbles were forming.

I shrugged to show that I was in a decent condition. He only sighed and turned to the female to ask that she get a burn kit so he could treat me. "Child, you need to tell me who did this to you." the male whispered soothingly. His tone caused me to feel guilty and turn sour against the marks. "A-Angel did it." I glanced at the wall as I whispered these words. He sighed once more as the female returned holding a white box that, I knew, held the ice spray and sticky cloth.

They had me hold my arms out perpendicular to my body for them to be sprayed and wrapped. Once finished, they left me alone in the bright room that they claim is mine. I sit quietly glaring at the clear part of the wall until the giant firefly has nearly vanished from the sky.There is a soft tapping at my door followed by a melodic voice. "Willem, may i come in?"

"Mmhmm." I tilt my head toward the door in way of greeting. The sweet, little female walks lithely over to the stool I am perched upon, and inquires about my health. I lift my shoulders into a slight shrug and look at her almond shaped face. My mind vaguely wonders on how my lips would feel on her swan-like neck. She offers me something in her outstretched hand. Casting my eyes downward, I see it is a tiny paper bucket containing the foul liquid I despise. Not wanting to cause trouble I gulped it down quickly, and grimaced as it slithered down my throat. The female smiled and offered me a sour-sweet. I accepted this gift gently and admired it while she insulted me for my "good" behavior.

After she had gone I forced the thick liquid from my food pouch before savoring the sour-sweet. Darkness soon fell upon the bright room, leaving me to my thoughts. I collapsed on my stiff slumber perch and whispered to the mute walls, "Seductive shadows, why have the fated stars placed my here?"

I raised myself into a sitting position on the edge of what is commonly called a mattress, and heaved myself to my feet. Stumbling from drowsiness I find myself in front of the looking glass within my room. I gaze at the pale stranger looking back at me with eyes much like my own. "Why are we here, friend? Was it Tree-mother?"

The image in the glass only mimics me as a response. A heavy sigh escapes me as I stalk back to my slumber perch. "I bet it is Tree-mother's fault. If only she were as strong as me. Then, she would have survived my love. Why couldn't she be stronger?!" I sobbed, my shoulders shaking as I drifted off into a hollow sleep.

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