Mistakes Part 2

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A/N: From the depths of a ban on fanfiction writing, I have surfaced to write another chapter section. Rebellion is sweet but ultimately short lived. I hope to write more but I make no promises.

Until I have more to give you, enjoy!

"Jesus did you say thirteen people?" The unseen person sounded impressed.

"Josh, I said, that was just this last week." A second voice answered.

As my vision slowly swam back into focus I was careful not to alert the guards of my consciousness. I was sitting on a hard bench in what felt like a moving vehicle. My hands were cuffed behind me but I knew that wouldn't pose much of a problem. I became increasingly more aware of the sharp, throbbing pain coming from my side and shoulder. Fuck, that bastard's gun had really packed a wallop.

"This monster has killed around three hundred people all told." Chimed in a third voice from beside me.

"No way." Countered Josh. "It's only 18 years old."

"It's a he and he's insane." Said voice two. "I wouldn't put it past him."

"Come on Steve! You can't believe all the rumors you hear." Josh said in an exasperated tone.

Voice three spoke up. "This isn't just rumor. There's been a country wide warrant out for this guy for years. The deaths have only kept piling up."

"Then why isn't he getting the death penalty?" Josh asked incredulously. "You know we have it, why don't we use it?"

Silence reigned for a while as these three idiots tried to wrap their simple minds around the question.

Finally the person next to me spoke. "They said that he was going to be used for human experiments instead."

"That's all well and good Chris but isn't there, like, a law that says the criminal has to give his consent first?" Josh sounded worried. I honestly didn't blame him because I was worried too. Human experiments?

"And while we're on the subject, shouldn't he have had a trial first? They didn't even give us the time to get the fucking bullets out of him before the call came to take him to the crazy house." Alarm was heavy on Steve's voice as he spoke. "This is directly violating several laws and rights this guy has."

Chris sighed. "Calm down Steve. We aren't here to pass judgement on what our superiors are doing, we're just here to do our job and get paid."


"Look," Chris said frankly. "Do you really want a crazy like him on the streets? At least this way he won't kill any more innocent families."

"Yeah." Josh agreed. "I talked to one of the guys that was moving the bodies to the lab after he was through with them." I could taste Josh's shiver as it wracked his spine. "Believe me, if anyone deserves to be locked up without a trial, it's this son of a bitch."

Slowly I raised my head. "Is that so?" behind me I started to work the handcuffs off my wrists. "I had no idea!"

Josh, who sat diagonal from me, lept about a mile. "Holy shit, he's awake?"

Chris and Steve laughed at their colleague's misfortune. "Come on Josh, he's cuffed! Don't be such a big baby." Steve managed.

I widened my grizzly grin to it's fullest extent. "You have every right to be scared shitless Josh. I won't hold that against you when I kill you."

Chris stopped laughing and adopted a more serious tone. "Hey you, those cuffs aren't going anywhere. Besides, you can't take all three of us with a busted shoulder and a torn up side."

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