Chapter 1: Oh, the Life of a Semi-Pegasus!

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"Rainbow Dash! How DARE you say that to me!?" Arctic Blizzard shouted at me, her icy blue eyes narrowing and fists clenching.

"Arctic, shut the fuck up, and get out of my face," I pushed her away roughly and crossed my arms. Her face reddened with anger, gritting her teeth. She grunted loudly and pointed a dainty finger at my face.

"You're lucky I can't smash your face in," she said in an irritated tone. I smiled smugly and flipped her off before walking the rest of the way to the weather factory.

"Bitch!" I heard her shout, sounding quite pissed.

"Dipshit," I remarked and just kept walking, not bothering to deal with the spoiled little shit any longer.

The cloud city neared, it's elegant architecture nearly making the immense mass of enchanted clouds impossible to miss.

I spread my cyan wings, preparing to take flight. The color was a nice contrast against my tan skin and rainbow hair. With a solid flap, I shot into the sky, nearing the extravagant city in the sky. The aroma of fresh rain water and sparkling rainbows filled the air as the enormous, slightly ominous, Weather Factory.

I whipped open the doors, the rain and rainbow scent intensifying. The sound of my royal blue converse hitting the floor echoed through the vacant hallway, the only other noise was the faint synchronized sound of metal machines clicking and scraping as they made the essential elements for the weather planned for the week.

I posed open the door to the ladies locker room and went over to my personal storage. I unlocked the complex padlock on my large locker, bringing the door open to retrieve my lab coat, protective glasses, and helmet. I had cloud-forming duty today. I would much prefer cloud busting, but honestly, my boss isn't fun at all, so she would never give someone as adventurous as me a fun job. She doesn't know adventure from shit.

I slammed the metal locker door shut and re-locked my storage, throwing on my gear and heading for the cloud production portion of the factory.
The dull gray interior of the building was the most boring thing ever. The least they could do is paint it another... less dull color. I mean we do make rainbows for Celestia's sake.

I approached the dark gray door labeled 'Cloud Production', and shoved it open, attracting the attention of nearby workers.

"You're late," my boss, Peridot Star, stated sternly, "Again."

"Sorry, Peridot, I had a little hold-up on the way here, also known as Arctic Blizzard," I rolled my eyes, recalling my encounter with Ice-Bitch on the way here.

"Excuse. I'll have no choice but to fire you if you keep being tardy," she warned. Really? I get all this bullshit for being late? I've wasted nearly 6 years of my life at this hell-hole, just to make money until the Wonderbolts finally accepted me. "And it's Ma'am to you. Employees are not allowed to call their superiors by their first name! Get to work."

I sighed, annoyed at the nonesense Peridot was mouthing on about. I dragged my feet over to my work station, condensing these damned clouds. Fun!

Couldn't I have helped bring the water up to the factory instead of this? Nope! I'm stuck doing the boring stuff, squishing fucking vapor into a cloud!

I pulled the silver lever and pressed the green button labeled 'start'. Grinding and clinking was heard through the thick tempered glass barrier between the worker and machine. At least we're making storm clouds.

I sat there, staring blankly at the machine puffing out fluffy grey storm clouds. Puff. Puff. Puff...


"Rainbow! Rainbow Dash!" Oh god...

I turned around to see the pale skinned semi-pegasus woman with her signature midnight purple hair tied up in a tight ponytail, allowing little ringlets to fall around her face, donning her lavender skin-tight tank-top and ripped short shorts. Her turquoise wings carried her over to me, her bright over-whitened teeth seemed to glow blindingly against her cherry red lipstick. I scrunched up my nose and stared flatly at her.

"What do you want, Ocean Tide?" I droned, not pleased with the outcome of my day thus far.

"Oh, Dashie! Try a smile! It makes everyone prettier!" She lectured, poking my arm with a hot pink nail-polished finger.

"Do you honestly think I give a damn about being 'pretty'?" I asked, raising a brow. I switched off the lever on the control panel beside me and pressed the 'stop' button.

She gasped, "And don't curse! It's not very becoming of a lady!" She went on, as if I had never even told her I didn't care. "Face it Rainbow. You're female! Everyone knows you wear a bit of makeup!" She pointed her skinny finger at my face.

"Yeah, because eyeliner and mascara is overkill! I don't wear all that expensive sparkly stuff you buy!" I said defensively. She scoffed and narrowed her golden eyes.

"One day, Dash! One day you'll understand why being a lady is important!" She tried sounding viscious through her preppy voice. Clearly, that didn't work. She stomped once on the platform, her heeled combat boots making a clicking noise, then flew away with a huff.

"Whatever," I said to myself. Maybe I was a bit harsh? Nope. She lectures me about how 'wearing dresses is fun!' and 'You would look so pretty with your hair like this!'

Every. Damn. Day.

I went over to Peridot.

"Yo, Peridot 'ma'am', I finished the clouds. Can I leave?" I said, purposely saying ma'am sarcastically.

"Yes, Rainbow Dash. Be gone."

"Bye, Peri!" I remarked before shooting to my locker, putting away my lab coat, goggles, and helmet, and bursting into the fresh air. Where a certain derp-eyed woman was waving a letter around.

"It's for you, Dashie!" She exclaimed and smiled innocently before waving and heading over to an unsuspecting man.

I tore my eyes away from Derpy, glancing at the letter in my hand. 'Ms. Dash' was written in rushed cusive on the front. I tore open the envelope, retrieving thr paper neatly folded inside.

'Dear Rainbow,

Meet us at Prism Café in Canterlot at 6:00 sharp tomorrow evening. We have a favor to ask of you.


-The Lead Squad of the 'Bolts.'

Oh sweet Celestia... wait. There was one more thing on the bottom. I squinted my eyes.

'Fleetfoot wz here'



A/N: Humanized soarindash fic!

I hope you enjoyed the chapter!

Yours awesomely,


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