1. Practice

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(Keisha and Andre are the people for the cover)
I dribbled the ball up and down the court and shot a three and made it. "Good job ladies pick up the paste hustle, hustle you're gonna be benched if you don't move those legs!" The coach hollered, as Damiya threw the ball to Sam. She went in fo a layup and missed. The coach cussed and blew her whistle.

"You guys aren't working as a team! Run 10 laps round this gym." Then she blew her whistle for us to start. Sasha cussed under her breath and Coach added 5 more laps. After that we ran through a couple more drills and then practice was over. I wiped the sweat off my face, and applied deodorant. "Hey Miley you going to Blake's party?" Emmoni asked. "Is you dumb or something, we got a final exam in Curcio, wrong wit you?" Miley sucked her teeth and slid off her tank top, and put on a black loose shirt.

"What bout you Keshia?" Emmoni turned to me. "Nah, I'm just funna chill." I answered as I pulled off my gym shorts and put on sweatpants. "Girl all you do is work out, play basketball, eat, chill and then sleep that's why you so thick and muscular." My friend Brianna laughed.

"Man don't be hatin." I said, and then grabbed my bag and shut my locker. I unlocked my car door to my Bugatti, and got in. I turned on the engine, and the A.C blasted onto my hot skin, while the radio played softly. It was Miguel Sure Thing

If you be the cash
I'll be the rubber band
You be the match
Imma be your fuse
Painter baby you
Could be the muse
I'm the reporter baby
You could be the news
Cause you're the cigarette
And I'm the smoker
We raise a bet...
Cause you're the joker
Truth though
You are the chalk
And I could be the blackboard
And you can be the talk
And I could be the walk

I sang along, until I pulled up at my house. I unlocked the house, and closed the door and a wave of lasagna instantly hit my nose. "Hey mama you cooking?" I said, but instead saw my little sister at the stove stirring the noodles. "Where's mama?" I asked her.

"That's how you gone talk to ya little sis, no 'hey Danielle', and she went out." Danielle rolled her eyes. "Whatever I'll be upstairs." I mumbled going up the steps. She grumbled and went back to cooking. I turned the T.V. On to BET, and took off my clothes. Wrapping my towel around me, I took a shower returned to my room, and lotioned up and put on my Miami Heat jersey, and red shorts. Love and Hip Hop Atlanta was on, and things were getting real cuz they was hitting each other and throwing drinks.

It's 3 in the morning
and you know I'm horny
So whatcha come over to my place
And put a smile on my face
Leaving the club
Shawtie hurry up...

I picked up the phone and answered. It was Brianna. "Heyyy whatcha doing?" She drunkenly screamed into the phone. I could hear loud music and people yelling in the background. "Watching Love and Hip Hop Atlanta, and you?" I replied. "Getting high!!" She screamed again and then laughed manically. "Aight, man put da phone down." I heard a males voice.

"But Corey..." And then the line went dead. I hung up the phone and sighed. I did really want to go to the party, but I had nothing 'girly' to wear, plus no guy really talks to me, and if they do it's about how many points I made in the game, and that I got a nice body. I checked my phone it was 7:30, and I was hungry!!

I went downstairs to check on my sister who was just taking out the noodles and fixing our plates. Mom still wasn't home, probably getting high or tryna get some dope or weed to smoke. Ever since high school when my mom got knocked up at 16 with me, she and dads relationship has been rocky. Then one day she found out that dad had been cheating on her with a white girl, so she packed up his clothes and kicked him out of the house.

Later on, she found out that he had cleared out their bank account, and ran away with his little woman. My mom went through a tough time like a depression stage, and she used to smoke for hours. She got knocked up again, with a different dude, and she gave birth to Danielle, and she still smoked around her too. I shielded Danielle from the truth, but Danielle found out around age 9. I learned to cook since mom came home late a lot. And she was always tired, with messy hair and bloodshot eyes.

My once beautiful, light skinned, perfect teeth, skin, and bodied mom was now a crack addict, an alcoholic. To clear my mind I began to get into sports, and play basketball. Danielle was in drama, and a cheerleader. We kept ourselves busy, so we wouldn't be miserable at home, plus mom wasn't going to be paying for our college tuition so sports and academics were our way out of here.

I grabbed my plate and went upstairs and turned it on to Teen Nick, Victorious was on. I watched that and ate around 11:45, and I heard the front door open. Turning off the TV and going downstairs I saw mom with disheveled hair, and the smell of smoke on her wrinkled clothes. "And where were you?" I asked as she sniffed and made her way into the kitchen. "Who you think you is asking me where I been? Chy please, get yo rump on somewhere, get off my case, you ain't the mom you da daughter I'm da mom." She mumbled looking in the pot and grabbing a plate.

"I wouldn't have to ask you, if you was home earlier and actually did yo job." I said folding my arms. Mom froze and slowly turned around. "What'd you just say to me?" She asked me. "You heard me." I stood my ground. She slapped me, and my face jerked to the right. "I don't know what's yo problem is little girl, but you ain't da one paying the bills, you ain't the one who got left by yo stinking daddy, you ain't da one struggling to keep yo family from being in the streets, so don't you eva fix yo mouth to tell me what my job is!" Mom yelled.

Danielle came from out the living room, and it was silent. "Hey ma." Danielle said softly putting and washing her dish in the sink. "Hey baby." Mom said sounding drained as if I tired her out. I just rolled my eyes and stomped upstairs. Mom didn't know what she was talking about. I was the one who had to get a job, and pay half of the bills while Danielle paid the other half. Danielle was the one who cooked and cleaned while, I made sure that we were passing in school, and doing what we were supposed to do to stay off the streets.

She was the one smoking blunt after blunt, and screaming, cussing and smoking around here. Frustrated, I brushed my teeth and flossed, and got ready for bed. I turned off my lamp light, and went to sleep, the right side of my face stinging.

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