Keeping My Distance

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I'm in my driveway polishing the chrome on my Harley when Sophie's roommate pulls up with her brother the next morning. I shake my head, incredulous. Does Sophie approve of this? I certainly hope not.

As they walk to the house I catch a glimpse of the girl's face. Her cheek is swollen and bruised. My face goes up in flames and it feels as though all the blood has rushed to my head as my pulse pounds. I inhale a slow, deep breath and continue polishing, but knowing that woman beating pussy is in the house with those girls—with Sophie—is unbearable. I stop working and stand upright. My jaw is clenched as I breathe in and out with long, labored breaths as I stare angrily at their front door.

Suddenly, I'm climbing the steps of their front porch. I turn the doorknob to let myself in, but it's locked. I ring the doorbell and wait, clenching and unclenching my fists. Every muscle in my body is tense. A familiar edginess has fallen over me as my adrenaline surges. This is the feeling I get right before a fight. The door opens and the dickless wonder stands before me. His mouth falls open, and he shuffles two steps back. Seeing red, I lunge forward and swing my fist. When it connects with his jaw, he drops to the floor and I pin him down with my knee.

His sister screams and I hear the sound of footsteps rushing down the stairs. I glance up and see Sophie staring at me wide eyed. This fucker is lucky her face isn't marred or I swear to all that is holy I'd murder him, right here, right now.

"You think you're a man?" I snarl and grind Mike's face onto the hardwood floor. He lets out a shrill cry. His lips tremble as he gasps for air. "Real men don't hit women! If you ever so much as raise your voice to either of these girls, I'll hit you so fucking hard you'll dribble for the rest of your life!"

Keeping a firm grasp on Mike's wrists, I jerk him up from the floor. I look to Sophie. She's staring at me with a dazed expression, her lips parted. She doesn't appear afraid, so much as shocked. Interesting.

The other girl won't stop screaming. When I order her to be quiet, and instantly obeys.

I lean in into the pathetic shit's ear and demand he apologize for what he's done.

"I'm sorry," he squeaks, his voice unsteady.

I tighten the grip on his wrists. "Be specific."

He looks to his sister. "I'm sorry I hit you," he says, and surprisingly sounds like he means it. Next, he turns to Sophie. "And I'm sorry for being a dick to you all the time."

His mortified expression gives me a thrill. I demand that he tell them it won't happen again.

"I promise it won't happen again."

I want to take this worthless fuck out in the front yard and beat him until he's unconscious, but I've overstepped my boundaries as it is. When I release his hands, he runs to his sister like the little bitch that he is.

I turn to Sophie who is still gaping at me. I gaze into her eyes longer than I should and in them I see adoration and awe. I want to take her away from here and promise to always protect her and keep her safe. More than anything, I want to take that wet bottom lip into my mouth... I bite my tongue to stop the unreasonable thoughts. "You make sure to let me know if he pulls anymore shit on either of you."

If I don't turn and leave right this second, I won't be able to leave without her. As soon as she nods in agreement I spin around and rush out of the house. I need to get as far away from her as possible. I climb on my Harley, fire it up and tear out of my driveway.

It was wrong of me to insinuate myself into their problems, but I had no control over myself. I have no patience for men abusing women. That Sophie was involved made it intolerable.

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