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Her eyes began wandering at the different artwork that hung elegantly on the walls. Her foot tapped against the cherry oak colored floor, she was nervous to say the least. After a few pep-talks that she mentally gave herself, she began to feel somewhat at ease.

"Serena Woods," A young women motioned with her hand. Her hair was slicked back into a bun and she wore a pant suit that made her look exceedingly professional. Serena jumped to the conclusion that she was an assistant of some sort.

She quickly stood up from her chair and began fumbling her hair making sure everything was perfect and in place before the interview.

She followed the young women down a long hallway with a few turns before reaching two large double doors. "Mr. Styles is expecting you right about now."

Before she could say 'thank you' the young women disappeared within a second around the corner. She simply shrugged it off and walked towards the intimidating doors. She inhaled one last breath before she peaked halfway into the room.

She had entered to what seemed to be a home office. A male sat at the desk with his head furrowed in stacks of paperwork. Serena gave a few light taps against the door instantly catching the man's attention.

His attention was then immediately fixed on her and she felt her breath catch in her throat. She did not expect him to be this good looking for a middle-aged man. He wore a classic white button up which she adored. She noticed his hair was abnormally longer than the average male, but it seemed to fit him just perfectly.

After a few seconds of intense eye contact, he stood up giving a warming welcome.

"I'm pleased to see you could make it Serena."

She began searching for the words to say, but her mouth was dry. She simply nodded with a smile in response.

He openly reached his hand out above his desk. Serena hesitantly walked closer to the man giving him a firm handshake.

"Please," Mr. Styles motioned. "Make yourself at home."

"Thank you," She politely said before taking a seat. She innocently flattened out her skirt which he took notice.

"So, you're here for nanny position, correct?" He began fumbled with some paperwork scattered on his desk. As he looked down, she couldn't help but admire him. For a few seconds she evaluated all his mesmerizing features before he looked up again.

She cleared her throat. "Yes, that's correct."

The man grinned, dimples clearly showing along with his perfectly white teeth. "You're in for a wild ride," His spoke with humor in his voice before giving a slight chuckle.

"Nothing I shouldn't be able to handle," She confidently spoke. She really wanted to sell herself for this job.

"Well, I've looked over your resume, and there isn't a single flaw." She smiled at his kind words. "You are obviously more than enough qualified for the job, so if you accept this offer it's yours."

A smile took over her features before she happily accepted the offer. She was expecting a much more difficult interview, but she was more than relieved to be accepted so easily.

"So," He stood up from his chair clapping his hands together. "I'll give you the basics."

She sweetly nodded and her full attention was fixed on him.

"I have two twin daughters, Daisy and Poppy, and I love them with all my being. They are my truly entire life and now they are yours too."

He placed his hands onto the white desktop as he leaned in closer towards the young girl. She slightly tilted her head to hide the redness that was running to her cheeks. He slightly grinned at how flustered she was in a matter of seconds.

"I don't have many rules that come with job," He leaned even closer towards her and she felt and ache between her legs. "But, I strictly have one rule."

Serena caught his glare and goosebumps vividly rose on her arms. He leaned down, lips brushing slightly her cheekbone.

"I get to fuck you whenever, wherever when I please."

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 17, 2015 ⏰

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