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Drew's POV

I heaved a sigh as I boarded on the plane. For sure it'll take a long time for me to see Alex again. It'll take another long time to trick my father that I'll only take a friend to the airport when the truth is, I was the one riding on the plane.

I look so pathetic, hiding like a scumbag against my own father. And lying to everyone about myself. Especially Tommy. Lies. Everything I told him was a lie.

I was never a teacher. I work on a newspaper company wherein my father provided me the job. I never loved Starbucks, I pretend to be someone who loves it. Sometimes, I'm afraid all this secrets and lies would backfire and slap me so hard that it'll hurt.

Karma's a bitch. That's what they say.

Though I'm still happy Alex is there for me. He's the only one who knows me. The real me.
I told him about everything. My problem with work, and my father. He keeps telling me to stop being so weak and to fight my father. But I just can't...I..can't.

I looked over the window and wished my life would be perfect. But it will never be.
A smile escapes my lips when I realize I'm on a high-class plane. Tommy. I remembered his smile, his grin that made me feel like there's hope for me to find happiness. Will I still be happy?

I closed as my eyes as the plane eventually started to fly. And as I wake up, I noticed we were not yet still home some I tried to fall asleep once again.

"Will I see you again?" Tommy asked sincerely.
"You will" I answered meekly. Lies. I'll never see him again. He deserves someone better. Someone who doesn't lie.

I woke up and smiled sadly, accepting the sad truth that Tommy deserves someone like me. I rubbed my eyes softly and looked around, realizing that I have arrived. Arrived on the place I thought was a home.


"DREW!" Max stumbles towards me and eventually hugs me. 

"OMG you're here! How was New York? Did you eat their chicken? Or their burgers? They say it's good! DID YOU BUY ME THOSE "I LOVE NEW YORK" SHIRTS?!" Max rambles and I look straight and notice James smiling at me and his husband. I winked at him before looking down to Max.

"Yes. Yes I did. How's everything here?" I ask softly, expecting something bad for him to say.

"OH! uhm. The day you left, your dad called, since he couldn't contact you he said that he'll be in a conference for a week. Which means he'll be back tomorrow."

"Thank goodness!" Happiness surged through me and I hugged Max tightly.

Seems like it'll be a good day after all.

For Drew (Boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now