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[a/n: hey sorry I deleted the last version of 'Hostage'. I was thinking, and this one is basically going to be the same, just a different beginning, because I think honestly this one will make more sense. And this one will be somewhat related with what has actually happened in the game, so yeah. And, I'm sorry for any misspelling, so thanks!]
House Forrester (1 day ago)
"Unghhh...." Ethan moaned as he awoke from his slumber. He sat up straight and gazed out the window. It was the day before his meeting with Ramsay Bolton. He stretched his arms out before he got out of bed. He looked around the window looking at all the men work.
He heard a knock on his door, and heard his sister's, Talia's, voice, "Ethan?" She called into the room. She opened the door finding Ethan shirtless.
"Hello, Talia." He greeted her into the lord's bad chambers as he turned to face his younger sister. She smiled and closed the door behind her as she slowly came into his room. She came closer to her brother, "Good morning, Ethan." She said approaching him.
"How have you been?" She asked her elder brother, "Being the lord and all?"
"I'm doing fine, Talia. But meeting with lord Snow tomorrow... It's stressful." He said running his fingers through his hair.
"I know, but, I believe you can handle him just fine." Talia began to assure, "It won't be hard."
Ethan looked at her stressed, "I'm not so sure about that. Lord Snow isn't--"
"You'll be fine." Talia interrupted.
They shared a quick smile, before Lady Elissa opened the door to his room.
"Ethan? Are you awake?" She asked.
"Yes, mother."
"Come. We have plans to discuss."
Ethan nodded , grabbed a tunic, and left.
(Leaving Winterfell) Present Day
Ramsay watched as Ludd Whitehill's soldiers align in a four by five pattern.
Ramsay was yet confused at this fact. To him Ethan, was an average teenage boy who is spoiled by his parents, and magically became lord of Ironrath overnight.
"Tell me why we need these soldiers again. It isn't like the boy can do anything. You've told me he hasn't even started training and he's fourteen years of age."
"He might not have started training, but he's clever." Ludd explained. "He's helped his father in many of our battles in the past."
"They've won... All of them."
Ramsay didn't believe him. He doubted the fact a lord needed twenty soldiers against a fourteen year old, but apparently, Ludd makes it seem the boy is the smartest person in the north.
"Doubtful, but I guess I will take you word for it."
"Open the gates." Ramsay ordered. The gate was being pulled open by the chains and as the chains clashed against the metal it made Ludd satisfied. He was finally getting his "justice."
House Forrester (Present Day)
Ethan felt nervous. He gazed at himself in the mirror and he sighed.
'What now, Ethan?' He thought to himself. The stress was getting into his head. The more he thought about it,  the more he thought his death was going to happen that day. He come downstairs, to see Elissa, Talia, and Ryon.
"Good morning, Ethan!" Ryon exclaimed and ran into him hugging him.
"You'll do great today! You'll protect us!"
"Of course I will. I'll do anything for you and Talia."
Ryon smiled innocently, then hugged him tightly.
'At least I'll try.'
After he had eaten, he spent most of his time in the great halls, writing letters, and listening to Ser Royland, and Duncan bicker about where they would meet Ramsay and what Ethan should say.
"Lord Snow is going to be here in just a few hours and we still don't have a fucking plan!" Ser Royland exclaimed.
"Because you can't make up your coward mind!" Duncan responded.
Ethan made it clear he didn't want either of them cursing in his presents but it wasn't like they were going to listen.
Ethan, his head still fixed on the letters, glared at the two of them with frustration and almost disappointment, considering they couldn't make on decision, or do or even try a simple task.
"Apologies, my lord." Duncan said sitting straight on his seat.
"Aye." Royland responded.
Ethan continued to write.
Later, Ethan heard a shout from outside, "Summon the Lord! Quickly! Lord Snow is outside the gates!"
With that said Ethan cleared the papers of his desk, and putting them off to the side, then approaching the gate outside.
Ramsay gazed at Ethan. He didn't think Ethan was that big of a threat for twenty soldiers. He looked rather cute than dangerous.
"Open the gate." Ethan said approaching Ramsay, Ludd, and their men.
As soon as Ethan stopped in front of them, Ramsay pinched Ethan cheek.
"Well look at you." He said in a childish voice. "Lord Whitehill told me you were young, but-- this? You're adorable."
Ethan pushed his hand away from his face.
"Why don't we-- discuss our matters in the hall?"
"Oh won't you look at that? He's inviting us into hall."
Ethan's cheeks grew hot and he felt embarrassed.
"And you said he wasn't a proper lord."
Ethan crossed his arms.
Ramsay walked past him and looked at the army of, not very many soldiers.
"Quite an army you have, Lord Forrester. Very impressive." Then walked inside.
Ethan felt nervous. He didn't know what he was going to say to Ramsay.
'Alright. I have to be careful what I say. By what Lord Ramsay has said about my age, I can assume Ludd has told him about me. Probably all against me, but he has informed him about me. If I act stupid, he will think I am, and he'll kill me, but if I just be myself, he'll want me for his own, considering I've helped my father with previous events in the past. Ugh...'
"Before we start, I request one simple task out of you.
Ethan Forrester." Ramsay said emphasizing Ethan's first and last name, "Bend the knee. To my father. Roose Bolton. The Warden of the North."
Ethan debated on whether he should or shouldn't. If he did, he would earn Ramsay's respect, and if he didn't, he would be dead.
'But what if he doesn't even care about my loyalty? He might even want to talk about my loyalty towards the Warden. He wants to talk about the Ironwood. He only wants to know if we will do the same deal for the Boltons, as we did with the Starks. They need the Ironwood to hand to King Joffery and Queen Cersi in Kings Landing. Why should he even mention my loyalty?'
"Why mention my loyalty, when you want to speak of the ironwood?" Ethan questioned.
Ramsay was more or less impressed. He knew he was smart, but Ramsay clearly underestimated him.
Ethan could tell he was impressed by his facial expression. Ethan smirked. He became confident.
Ramsay began to clap, "Well I must say lord Forrester, I'm impressed. Lord Whitehill had told me you were smart, but I didn't think you were. I guess I underestimated you."
Ethan knew that already.
"So, the ironwood."
"You expect us to give you ironwood as we did for the Starks. But I expect pay."
"Of course you knew that. And I will give you pay."
Ethan smirked again.
Ramsay smiled, then acted distracted by Talia and Ryon.
"Well! Look at these little Forresters." He said approaching Talia and Ryon, "You aren't frightened, are you?" He said noticing their facial expressions.
Ethan noticed. He originally thought it was a lure, but he wasn't sure what Ramsay wanted to lure Ethan into. He wasn't planning on doing anything.
Ramsay noticed Ethan. He could tell Ethan wasn't falling for any of Ramsay's tricks. He needed to make it look legit. So he began putting hands on Talia. He grabbed  her arse and pulled her closer. He scooped her chin and leaned close to her, acting that they were about to kiss.
"Ethan! Help!" Talia tried pushing him off.
"Help her." His sentinel, Ser Royland, said pushing him toward them.
Ethan came down there, "Let her go." He urged Ramsay.
Ramsay paused and looked at Ethan, "Great! Just what I wanted." Ramsay said happily.
Ethan got confused suddenly.
Ramsay forcefully pushed Ethan against the wall by his shoulders. He then grabbed onto his thigh, then his waist, then began to kiss his neck.
"Nugh..." Ethan moaned in discomfort. He pushed Ramsay off. "Get off of me."
Ramsay needed get Ethan's mind on something else.
"I know, Talia can come with me." Ramsay said calmly, "We will get along very well."
Ethan suddenly fretted for Talia's life. Without thinking, he said "My lord. If you want a hostage, take me!"
Ramsay smiled. He gripped on his dagger. Ethan noticed the dagger.
'What now, Ethan? You screwed this up for yourself. You're going to die.'
Ethan then accepted that he was as good as dead.
"Aren't you a brave lord?" He said smirking.
Both of them looked into each others eyes. Then Ramsay swung his dagger, and stabbed sharply.

HostageOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora