Chapter 15(Audrey)

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When I woke up in the morning I was half on the couch and floor with my head throbbing. I guess my head was just starting to feel the effects of yesterday's events. From what I could tell Maverick had not come back into the room last night. His bed was untouched.
I checked the clock, noticing it was already about nine in the morning I got up. I would need to get some clothes soon seeing as I was still in the ones from yesterday, but all of the clothes I packed were still in my hotel room. I needed to talk to Maverick at some point anyways, might as well be now.
I searched all throughout the house until I finally saw someone else in the hallway. "Excuse me, do you know where I can find Maverick?" I asked a boy who looked to be around my age. He had a light brown head of hair and sky blue eyes. He was slightly tanned and was wearing a black muscle shirt with a pair of white basketball shorts. I would be lying if I said he wasn't attractive but I just didn't actually care like I normally would have.
He flashed me a smile and said, "I believe he's probably in his office right now. It's on the third floor, I can show you the way if you'd like."
"That would be appreciated, thank you." I replied. We walked over to the end of the hallway were there were a pair of elevator doors. "This elevator is the only way to get to the alpha's office. Just take it up to the third floor and the code to his doors are 0214."
"Okay, thank you...." I paused not knowing the boy's name.
"My name is Lachlan, Luna."
"Well thank you Lachlan but I'm not your Luna."
"I'm sure you will be soon."
After he said that he just turned around and walked down the hallway out of sight. I guess it is true that since me and Maverick are mates I am technically the Luna, but I'm not even so sure how Maverick feels towards me after last night.
I pushed the button waiting for the elevator doors to open and stepped inside pressing the three button. The doors closed shut and I felt the elevator shift, moving up.

Ding. Third floor. The robotic voice said. My nerves were suddenly all over the place and I could feel my pulse starting to beat faster. The doors slowly opened and I punched in the code on the keypad to open the other set of doors. Hearing the door unlock I slowly pushed the heavy door and walked through the threshold.
My pulse felt like it stopped all over the sudden. There he was sitting in his seat with his head laying on the desk asleep. You could see the slow rise and fall of his breathing. He looked so at peace and relaxed while asleep. His lips were just slightly parted and I couldn't help but feel bad he slept at his desk last night. He must have been so uncomfortable.
I walked over to the side of his desk quietly so I wouldn't wake him up. I saved whatever it was he was working on the computer, I shut it off and straightened up the scattered papers as well. I could talk to him in a little while, first I just want to get him out of his office.
I ran my fingers slightly into his hair, admiring the softness and slight curls. He stirred a little and groggily opened his eyes to look at me.
"Audrey what are you doing?"
"I want you to come to bed.....with me" I said softly, looking him in his green orbs. His eyes closed slightly in confusion.
"Is this a dream? Weren't we just arguing last night?"
"Yes but that was last night and I've had time to adjust and think things out. I will give you a chance Maverick. Why shouldn't I? You haven't even had one yet." I slightly chuckled while running my fingers back through his hair. "We can talk about it more later but first I just want you to come and sleep on your bed, you look so uncomfortable."

I pulled him up from his chair, my fingers in one of his hands and the other hand gripping his arm. We walked over to the elevator and walked inside. I pressed the button and the doors shut. He looked down to our hands which were still connected. The electricity from the sparks was actually pretty intense. It felt like when your leg fell asleep and you started to get feeling back and all your nerves were tingling.
I closed my eyes the trip down, smelling his intoxicating aroma filling the small space of the elevators. I feel a hand come up to my cheek and caress the space just under my eye and cheekbone. I opened my eyes to look up at Maverick. I gave him a slight smile and heard the elevator ding signaling we reached our floor.
I walked him out and down the hallway to his room.
"Now get in bed and rest."
" I will. Only if you join me though."
I bit my lip contemplating it. "You sure you want me to?"
"Why wouldn't I?" He said crossing his arms over his chest with a serious look on his face.
"Well after you left last night you seemed pretty heated so I just thought maybe you didn't really want to be around me at the moment."
"Well then you remember exactly why I was mad last night. If I was mad about my mate not wanting me, why would I pass up the opportunity now that she seems to?"
"Fair point. I will lay with you." I laughed I was acting dumb thinking Maverick wouldn't want anything to do with me. He obviously has wanted me since before he even knew who his mate was. I pulled back the black covers and let him slide in after he removed his shirt.
I slid in afterward trying not to think about the fact it's been two days and I was already accepting my fate and was now in bed beside my mate. He leaned over and gave me a kiss on the cheek. Then he slid his hands around my stomach and pulled me in closer to him.
I'd never fallen asleep so peaceful.

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