The Letters

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This is a story between two of the bestest of friends. Other people would think that they are dating because of the way they act around each other. When the boy; Arron had the courage to ask the girl; Ema out, she agreed. They secretly dated behind her father's back. For you see he wouldn't let anyone date her after her mother's death. They dated for a year in secret. When their anniversary happened they gathered the courage to tell him. Her father knew Arron as the nice childhood friend that came over. Ema's father would always greet him with a smile. When they sat him down and talked to him about his relationship he suddenly changed. He glared at the both of them and his aroua was deadly.

He yelled cruel and harsh things at the both of them and forbid them to see each other. He kicked Arron out of the house and smashed Ema's phone right in front of her. She was trembling with fear. She was crying on the floor hugging herself sitting in the corner of the room.

Two days later Ema moved to an all girls school. She would be dropped off and picked up. Her father would talk regularly to the teachers. When she was sick he would take the day off to take care of her. Ema knew the real reason was because he could keep an eye on her so she couldn't sneak out. There was really no escape. This continued for 6 months. At school she was named 'Gloom Girl.' It was true she felt like an empty shell being separated from him. Since she would always stare at things in silence no one wanted to talk to her. While this was happening to Ema, Arron would constantly visit her father. He would shower him with gifts and praise. Just to see her, he needed something he was desperate. Arron eventually gave up on her father. He didn't come to school for a week. During that time he was thinking how to get into contact with her. Ema had her phone smashed, when he was booted out he could hear the loud smash that happened. It suddenly hit him, he had the perfect idea.

The next day after Ema got picked up from school she checked the mailbox. Full of bills and taxes as the usual. Ema was walking to the dinner table when she found a small light pink envelope with her name on it. She carefully cut the small envelope open. Inside there were three notes inside. Two of them were scraps of lined paper and the last note was expensive stationary. She dropped her father's mail on the dinner table and went upstairs to her room. She plopped onto her bed and pulled out the lined pieces of paper began to read them.

EMA! It's me Arron! This is how we are going to talk to each other. By writing notes.               Arron 

She stared at the small scrap of paper in disbelief. Ema was so happy she started dancing her small room. She jumped onto her bed taking the next one out excited to read it.

This is how we are going to talk. I'll pretend to be an old friend you made at the all girls school. I moved away and since you don't have a phone, she mails letters to you! Pretty genius right took me ages to think of it. The fancy paper will be your pretend friend, and the lined paper will be me. I barely have any money left this stuff is expensive!                                                                                       Arron

She looked at the fancy stationery. All written in the neatest cursive handwriting she has seen. Ema started giggling to herself. His normal handwriting was big and sloppy. He must of known her father might check some of the letters, so he practiced. She took the letter and walked over to her desk. She took a long piece of copy paper and began writing a letter back to him. At dinner time she came down. A big cheesy smile decorated the young teens face when usually it had a frown. "What is with you?" He asked raising an eyebrow. "My old friend that moved sent me a letter!" She cheered. She lied without caring. After all it was his fault they weren't together.

After 7 months of trading letters, the gap that separated them didn't seem like it was there. They wrote multiple letters in a day until their hand would hurt. Telling each other what they were doing at school and what was on their mind. One day Arron got this letter  from Arron.                                                   

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