Chapter 2

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*I dont own stuff from the HP series, no copyright intended*

Just then someone opened the door and cleared their throat...

"Er- do you mind if I sit here? Everywhere else is full."

The boy that had stumbled into her compartment was Average height for an eleven-year-old, had messy jet black hair that stuck up in every direction, and bright green eyes sitting behind a air of round glasses. He also appeared very nervous and looked a little like a puppy dog that was afraid it had done something wrong. Charlotte mentally chuckled while she smiled.

"Of course you can! I dont actually have anyone to sit with so none of the other seats are taken..."

She was playing the innocent-new-girl-with-no-friends-card and knew it. But he smiled graciously and took a seat across from her.

"Hello. I'm Harry. Harry Potter." He held out a hand

She felt her eyes widen in surprise but smiled. No need to make the famous boy-who-lived uncomfortable. She took his hand and shook it.

"I'm Charlotte Robinson."

She let her hand drop.

"so you're a first year as well?" She asked, small talk, as she already knew the answer.

"Yeah." He said "I'm kinda new to the whole thing."

She glanced up curiously. "You mean that you didn't know abou-"

He smiled and shook his head sadly."Nothing at all"

She could only whisper a "Wow" before thinking of life growing up as a muggle. Though she imagined that it would have to do a lot with which muggles you were with. She decided to change to a happier topic. "What house do you want to be in?" She asked, pondering the question herself

"Well, could you tell me more about them?" He asked a little sheepishly.

She smiled and gladly explained.

 "My father was in Ravenclaw- which is famous for taking braniacs, and my Mum was in Hufflepuff, which is infamous for taking anyone who wasn't sorted into another house,  Slytherin is infamous for spewing out the most dark witches and wizards, but they come from every house. Slytherins were just ambitious. And Griffindor is famous for their courage. Griffindor and Slytherin have a big rivalry"

"Why is that?" Harry wondered out loud, And Charlotte was just about to answer him when another boy, this time a readhead with freckles all over his nose, walked in.

He gave her and Harry sheepish looks before asking if he could sit with them.

"Everywhere else is full" he said, reminding her extremely of Harry and she wondered if anyone else would show up and say the exact some thing. She and Harry both welcomed him in the compartment happily.

He sat down next to Harry and held out his hand

"Hi. I'm Ron Weasley."

She took it and gave it a firm shake

"Charlotte Robinson"

They dropped their hands and Ron turned to Harry. Ron stuck out his hand and Harry took it, saying

"Harry. Harry Potter."

Ron's eyes grew big, Charlotte sighed, and Harry smiled weakly at the two.

"Blimey! Do you have the, well, You know"

He had pointed to his forehead and grimaced slightly on the last two words. She had cringed. How can boys be so utterly impolite? Although she had been wanting to see it too...

But Harry just laughed and raised his bangs. And there it was. His scar.



Just then someone opened the door to the compartment and Harry dropped his hair. A girl with bushy brown hair and large front teeth was standing in the doorway, and looked quite impatient. But suddenly she gasped.

"I know you! You're Harry Potter!" Harry looked questioningly at her and nodded his head once. "My names Hermione Granger. And you two are?" She was looking at Charlotte and Ron skeptically, as if trying to figure out What exactly they were. Ron mumbled his name and rolled his eyes once she turned to Charlotte.

"Hello. I'm Charlotte Robinson." She smiled and held out my hand for her, hoping she wouldn't stay this snobby. She smiled a small smile and took Charlotte's hand. Success!

"Do you want to sit with us?" Charlotte asked politely. Suddenly Hermione was all back to business.

"Oh no, I'm actually looking for a toad. A boy named Neville lost one."

"Oh, well I'm afraid that we haven't seen a toad lately. Good luck though."

She smiled at went back out to the hallway, shutting the door behind her. Suddenly Ron burst.

"Do you want to sit with us? No! I don't want to sit with her! Shes bloody stuck up that one."

Charlotte gasped and feigned horror."Ronald Weasley! How can you say such a thing!"

Harry chuckled and Ron's ears turned red.

"Its alright Ron. I'm just kidding" She said, then decided to change the subject. "Which house do you want to be sorted into?"

His chest swelled up in Pride. "Giffindor. My whole families been in there." Then he turned to Harry.

Harry smiled and said that that sounded like the place to be.

Charlotte smiled and agreed. For the rest of the train ride they told jokes, ate candy from the trolley, The boys locked Charlotte out while they changed into their robes, Charlotte locked them out after promising not to take revenge, then they made a deal.

"Lets be friends." Harry said.No matter what."

"Even if we're in different houses?" Charlotte asked skeptically

"Even then." Ron answered.

They all smiled and shook hands on it, Then got off the train.

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