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"oh baby I would never replace you"

"yeah keep talking Gel"

"I'm not kidding. babe I love you"

"like how many girls have you said that to?"

"that was the past Vi, besides you're the present. And I wouldn't want my past back. it's you that I want now"

"well you got me"

"oh I got you real good alright"

Gel and I have been together for almost 6 years. And next week is our anniversary. I just can't wait.

I'm so happy for Gel. I like seeing him happy and knowing that he's a 100% comfortable when we're together. But sometimes I still try to think how he got over of his past. I mean, he's been in a relationship for 4 times. That doesn't mean he's a Playboy or anything. When I first met Gel, we were both in Grade 8. He was 14 and I was a year younger.

At first I just thought it was some kind of puppy love or maybe he was really a crush but then he told me his feelings for me one day and I also admitted the fact that I already liked him before he liked me back. And I guess the next few days were awkward until we got the hang of it. Until one day he asked me to be his girlfriend and I said yes.

A lot of my friends and his friends warned me about him. They told me that I have to be careful and keep an eye out for him. I didn't really believe them coz I trust Gel and I know he wouldn't do a thing like that. And I love him. He knows that.

"hey babe?"


"I have to go now. Mom is looking for me."

"okay. I'll come to your house tomorrow then and bring something for ya "

I stood up from his lap (yes I was sitting on his lap) and he give me a kiss on my forehead.

"want me to drive you home?"

"it's okay but I'll just walk"

"I love you Vi. You do know that right ?"

"I know. and I love you more"


kinda boring I know. each chapter gets better I pramis diz.

well I'm bored I'll go eat oreos now bye.

~~wheninaugust aka monaybelles~~

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